Chapter 18: Yazus

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Yazus sat on his father's throne, now his throne and looked at the empty room, gone were the  tapestries with the demon crown embroidered onto black and gold background, gone were the all the demons who pretended to enjoy the feasts and faked loyalty to his father. The thought of his father made Yazus smile, he smiled at the thought of the torture his father must be going through, he had hoped with all his might that his father was still alive and that his punishment would last for the rest of his life and considering demons were immortal that was going to be a long time.

Yazus relished in the kingdom he had created, any demon living in his realm were at his beck and call, any demon anytime he wanted would have to come running and obey his every command, yes there was some resistance at first but parade a dozen demons with their horns and wings cut off throughout the center of the market and any thought of resistance was dampened.

Since he took over the kingdom things have been great, everyone knew their place, the pretenders who would come and eat in his father halls and share in their wealth were gone, the markets were quiet except for when Yazsus said they could open, which wasn't until the tributes to him were given first and if his subjects did as their told. 

He thought of the last subject to disagree with him and the sound of his cries as he was whipped with a barbed switch made him smile, the memory of the demon begging for death as Yazus whipped him over and over again always made him feel better, he showed that demon who was in control right up until he took his sword and cut off his head, after, he fed him to the demon dogs in front of everyone in the market, he delighted in the look of terror and horror that was on all their faces . 

The story of Yazus brutality made its way to all corners of the demon realm since then no one had dared disagree with Yazsus which made him happy yet displeased him also, with no one to disagree with him or fight against him he had no one to torture. If that bitch Zarrisus hadn't run off as soon as his father left he could spend his free time torturing her, his mind turned to the special prisoners in his deepest cell, its been too long he thought to himself and decided to pay them a visit.

He traced down to the lowest cell in the dungeon and looked at the two pathetic creatures chained to the wall, oh ya he thought, they will do. As he walked over to the satyr twins Mykor and Mykora he pulled a large branch covered with sharp obsidian spikes, he smiled wider when they both began to scream. 

As he changed out of his blood stained clothes he relived the rush of the pain he inflicted he felt his horns beginning to throb, he looked at the fresh blood that was still on his hands, his eyes went heavy and his hands went to his horns and he began to stroke them, slow at first then at a fevered pace spreading the blood all over his horns, he felt his cock begin to rise which irritated him, getting an erection wasn't something Yazus was used to or enjoyed and it usually only happened when he was over excited and that didn't happen often but the torture had been particularly intense tonight, hell he would be surprised if they were alive by the next time he paid them a visit.

He stared down at his throbbing cock and  took it in his hand, he had intended on getting dressed quickly, he had other business to take care of but now he was going to have to shower and take care of his annoying erection, he hoped it would only take a few hours but since he hadn't found his mate or had any desire to he couldn't get total release which suited him fine, the thought of cum made him feel disgust.

Having an orgasm or any type of relief could take hours possibly days, he grunted with annoyance and headed for his shower. when he finally got some relief six hours later, he got dressed into his most kingly robes and made his way down to his throne.

He picked up the mirror that always sat beside him, when he looked at it he didn't see his reflection, he saw black fog swirling around the glass and spoke the name "Wyzack". By the time he put the mirror down and turned to face the room a large demon had appeared, "you summoned me my king" he said.

Yazus look intently at Wyzack, he was easily one of the biggest demons in this realm, his horns added to his already impressive height made him look extremely fierce, he was one of the best trackers their realm had and he had no doubt he was going to hear good news "So where is the traitor Velanos?" Yazus asked.

"There's been no sign of him your highness" Wyzack said but didn't elaborate. Yazus sighed, the one bad thing with tracker demons, they will only answer the question you ask, if you want explanation you have to ask the right questions. "Do you know where he was last seen?" Yazus asked. "Heading into the forest" the tracker responded, Yazus rolled his eyes and felt his temper beginning to rise, this was going to take forever, he had to think.

"Tracker, find Velanos trail from the woods, check the swamps, I've heard rumours he was seen spending time in the swamps and I want to know why, do not return until you have answers" he finished with authority. Without a word the demon traced from the room.

Yazus was frustrated, if Velanos was out there he would be searching for a way to bring his bitch sister home and Yazus would not have that, the throne was his and he would never give it up. His only hope was for Wyzack to pick up any trail Velanos left behind.

He could feel rage building up inside him, the thought of his sister returning made his horns flare red, he had taken out the rebel demons who had dared challenge his rule and had turned the kingdom into his, the pygams were back in the swamp like the dirty squat vermin that they were slowly dying, Yazus enjoyed walking by the swamp hearing the cries of starvation mixed with wails of grief, his sister would never have his kingdom, he heard the fading squeal of a pygam as it took its last breath and smiled, his kingdom was perfect.

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