Chapter 4: Yazmina

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She swung her sword hard against the stone posts that had targets with precise holes in the center of each one complements of the demon archers, as she chopped at the stone post sparks flew from her mithrill sword and bellows of rage growled from within her.

How dare her father her king do this to her, she was never going to be a queen, that's not who she is. I AM A FUCKING WARRIOR she bellowed out loud and swung harder at the post until bits of stone began fall from it.

"Well you sure are knocking the crap out of the post warrior" Velanos knew he would get no smart answer back this time, he rested his hand on his large mithrill sword and readied himself. He had his sword drawn by the time Yazmina turned and made her first strike.

She swung hard at Velanos showing no mercy, he blocked her every attack with the usual look of boredom on his face, with every swing she took she ranted and raved about how unfair her father was being and how she would show him. She would be gone before he could make the announcement, let her sniveling weasel brother take it, he wants to rule and be the big dick of the realm, LET HIM HAVE IT she bellowed as she swung with all her might.

Velanos felt that last one, although he blocked the blow easily enough the anger that reverberated from her sword to his made his body go numb, when he saw that she had stopped her swinging and ranting he spoke again "you done being a little shit yet"?

Yazmina looked at Velanos with rage and her horns glowed bright red "how can you say that to me, you know how I feel about ruling, you know I've never wanted to be queen. I fight V, I fuck and I enjoy doing it. Yazus should rule, he has the desire to be powerful and to rule as he sees fit, let him have it, we can just roam the realm, maybe explore new ones, anything but sitting on that bullshit throne."

Velanos wasn't surprised by her reaction, they often talked about seeing the world outside the demon realms, his natural curiosity sometimes had a negative impact on Yazmina, but his kind was curious by nature, it was literally in his blood to want to seek new experiences and new life forms but his first duty was to his princess and his kingdom, now and always.

"My princess, I know you don't want to sit on the throne and your father knows you don't want that either but if he doesn't remind the realms of who he is and that he is the ones who rules then then traitors will build and grow, your father asked you because he trusts you."

Yazmina could feel her rage still boiling inside her, fuck V with his talk of trust and her father's duties, she wouldn't do it and that was that. "He can't force me V, he may crown me his successor and new ruler but I will just turn around and give it Yazus, as new queen I can do that."  She told Velanos of her plan she started to feel better, she would simply give the kingdom to Yazus then she would move on to new adventures.

"Yazmina, you can't give the throne to Yazus, he is cruel and he will bend the kingdom to his own selfish desires, think of all the innocent demons that will suffer under his rule. You say your a warrior, a protector, well whose going to protect the people from your brother" his voice rose when as he spoke and he was content when he saw the look of surprise on Yazmina's face.

Yazmina had never heard Velanos raise his voice let alone almost shout, she was impressed "fuck me V I didn't think you had that in you, for a moment there you actually seemed cool, Yazmina sighed and continued. "I get what your saying about the people and you know I will always protect them, but not from a throne and fuck you for making sense".

Yazmina knew what Velanos was saying was true, under Yazus rule everyone who wasn't like him or followed his ways would suffer and she couldn't have that, but the thought of her sitting on that throne and wearing the crown, making all the rules and judgements having everyone in the demon realm all looking to her to solve their problem made her even angrier.

She dreaded the thought of having to host all the dinners and pretend to be grateful when the leaders of the demon realms offered their loyalty even though she knew they were all full of shit and were only interested in what they could get by being in the royals good graces, they're had to be a way to get out of it she just hadn't thought of it yet but she will.

She made her way back to the castle with Velanos at her side, they walked in silence until they reached the castle gate then Velanos spoke. "I know your thinking of ways to get out of it and I have no doubt you will succeed but please give it a couple of nights before you carry out whatever fucked up plan you have. It will be a few weeks before your father leaves so please think carefully".

Yazmina knew V was right and hated him for it or at least she would have if he wasn't the captain of her guards, her personal protector and her closest friend. "I'll think on it for three days then its game on, and don't try to stop me". Yazmina would give it three days, but her mind was already made up, she would have no part of being queen.

Velanos was happy she gave him three days before she did whatever she had planned, that means he had three days to find out what she's up to and either talk her out of or make sure she doesn't get herself killed, both were an option when Yazmina thought of a plan. "I know better than to try and stop you, you are a force of nature" he said with a bow and turned to leave.

"Better fucking believe it" said Yazmina and she walked past the guards that kept vigil at the gates.

She made her way back to her chambers growing more confident in her plan, let her father try and crown her, she had a surprise coming for him. The king will be mad but hopefully her father will forgive her or at least not be surprised.

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