Chapter 5: Velanos

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He turned his head back one last time to make sure Yazmina had actually entered through the gate and not slip out to do gods know what.

Once he was satisfied she had gone to the castle he started towards home, he made his way down the well beaten path, years of back and forth traffic had left the path from the castle rutted and hard.

As he listened to his footsteps tamping down the path even more he focused his thoughts on Yazmina.

He was sure she was going to find some way to get out of her new designation, when Yazmina set her mind to something it didn't often waver, he understood her desire to run away he did the same thing when he was a younger demon, although for very different reason but still he ran.

He often wondered what would have happened if he stayed in his realm but when he thought of his mother and what she endured, he was sure he did the right thing.

He veered left off the well beaten path and made his way through thick bush and gnarled trees, the pitch black of the forest made perfect cover for his home. He walked up to a big tree near the end of the stream, he ran his hands over the rough bark and pushed gently.

As he stepped inside the trunk of the tree he began to relax more, he looked around at all his antiques he collected from his travels, his faded green sofa that had lumps in it, he stretched out on his couch his wings tucked tightly behind him, the more he relaxed the more he was aware of his body changing.

He could feel the bones that normally held up his 7 foot frame start to soften and conform to the lumps on the couch, he hated this part of himself but he couldn't fight biology, the serpentine in him wanted comfort too.

He knew if his condition ever got out he would be tied to the rack and ripped to pieces to be feed to the demon dogs, horrible beasts with fangs like a gargoyle a body so scaled that it would slice your hand clean off it you tried to touch it.

The thought of these beats devouring him made him sit up and look around in a panic, he chuckled to himself and laid back down, he was being foolish, he was safe, he was home.

The next morning Velanos woke to a grumbling stomach, he tried to think of the last time he ate and couldn't remember.

Being part serpentine food wasn't necessary for him, but the demon side of him required sustenance every so often and he had never felt so hungry, this puzzled him as hunger pains was not something he usually suffered from.

He looked out his window and saw the sun rising and realized food would have to wait, he had to get to the palace before his princess woke.

The routine was the same, enter through the front gate, walk up the long set of stairs that let to the main castle doors, he exchanged a few good mornings with the guards and pygam servants and made his way to the kitchen.

As usual the head cook handed him fried beast wrapped in the intestines of the beast it came from, when she cooked it up with spices and roots she found in the woods there was nothing like it.

Velanos nodded at the squat pygam winked and said "thank you mi lady", the cook just waved her knotted hand at him in a get out gesture, but Velanos saw her smile.

He enjoyed his time on his way to Yazmina's wing, he made sure to say good morning to as many workers and servants as possible, he never forgot that these are the ones that kept the castle running and these are the ones who she would be protecting the most.

Now standing at her door waiting for her to wake and demand her morning demon brew, which was strong fermented ale warmed up he thought about how he could find out what her plan was.

He knew she was planning something and he had hoped that she would let something slip that could help him figure it out, when Yazmina was angry she ranted and sometimes she would slip up and reveal things.

He looked towards her door when he heard it open, he was ready to make fun of her morning hair which usually in a mess, his face reddened and he looked down when he saw her two satyr servants Mykor and Mykora slip out of her door half dressed with a look of shame on their face, they hurried away pretending not to see him standing there.

Velanos watched them scurry down the hall and counted to thirty, he then tapped on her door and walked in and said in a cheery voice "good morning my queen". He laughed at the dirty look Yazmina gave him and asked "too soon"? He ducked at the pillow that came flying across the room at him.

He stood guard outside the bathroom door and waited for Yazmina to finish her soak, judging by how long she was taking he could only assume that she had a vigorous workout this morning, his mind went back to her servants and he chuckled to himself.

It was well known that demons were very sexually active and enjoyed having multiple partners Yazmina only had two, but that was all she needed, both servants were loyal and obedient.

Yazmina came out of her spa room in just her robe, her wings were tucked in behind and her horns were shimmering from the soak she had, she turned to see Velanos waiting there "Jesus V stalk much" she said and gave him a smile.

He turned his back as she slipped out of her robe, he felt the cold spray of water on his back as Yazmin flared out her wings and began to shake them off, Velanos shook the water off and said "fuck Yaz really"?.

"Don't stand so fuckin close then, you don't have to be here" she laughed, except Velanos did, it was his duty. Once Yazmina was dressed he escorted out her door and towards the main hall.

Velanos tried to make conversation with Yazmina "the king will most likely be at the morning feast, with his travels coming soon he will want to spend as much time with his subjects as possible, including his demonlings". Velanos saw Yazmina wince at those words and braced himself for it.

"What part of me says demonling asshole, I'm over two hundred years old, I haven't been a demonling in many decades so quit that bullshit" Yazmina said with a clear tone of anger in her voice.

Velanos laughed to himself even though he could see Yazmina was serious, he liked getting her going, I guess his mischievous serpentine side enjoyed coming out to play every now and then and of course he wanted the slip he was looking for.

They entered the main hall and saw the black marble tables unusually empty, this made Velanos uneasy, he walked Yazmina up to her father and bowed "my king" he said and took his leave.

He walked away as King Yaznik dismissed him with a wave of his hand, as Yazmina took her seat to the right of her father Velanos made his way to the outside hall, scanning the room for anything amiss, he took his place just outside the door, he bowed deeply when prince Yazus passed by him "good morning my prince" he said.

As usual Yazus cast him a look of disgust and walked on, little prick Velanos thought to himself.

Velanos watched as demons of all sizes came out of the dining hall laughing and chatting about the wonderful meal and gossiping about the announcement their king will be making in a weeks time and rumours of a queen and how they hope this will continue when and if a new queen comes.

They all walked by him without even noticing him, which suited him just fine, the less he was noticed the better, once the guests left he moved closer to the entrance of the dining hall and wedged himself into the corner.

Velanos stood quiet and tried to listen to what King Yaznik was saying, the deep tone of his voice and his soft growl made it hard to hear. Yazmina however, he could hear no problem.

"I already told you father I won't become queen, and if you force me you'll be sorry and so will every subject in the fucking realm" Yazmina yelled. Velanos smiled at Yazmina's reaction and thought and there's the slip.

Velanos heard her claws clicking on the ground as she stormed out, she walked past him without saying a word. Dutifully Velanos followed her, he would follow his princess anywhere.

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