Chapter 27

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Though New York City is only a few hours from Freemont, we stop in Philly for the rest of the night to visit Adrian's parents.

The hour or so drive to Philadelphia is tense. I don't talk to anyone, and there's this divide between Abel and I that is getting wider and wider with each passing minute. There's something on his mind too, I can tell. But I don't ask him what's wrong, and he doesn't ask me. Shelby keeps casting us worried glances from her spot in the middle bench seat, but I pretend to play a game on my phone with my headphones covering my ears. My music is low enough that I can still hear them talking, but they leave Abel and me to retreat into ourselves.

But that only allows me to start overthinking and obsessing about Toby and the conversation I have been avoiding.

What did Toby want to talk about? What was that hug?

What's wrong with Abel? Does he know that I'm about to break up with him?

The questions circle in my brain from the time we get on the highway to the time we reach Adrian's childhood home. His home is a small white house with yellow shutters and a small garden. It looks cozy and quintessential, not at all the type of place I pictured Adrian growing up in. For some reason--probably because he told me that both his parents are artists--I always saw him growing up in an artsy loft or some modern something.

As soon as Adrian turns off the van, the screen door bangs open, and a plump woman with short gray and black hair runs out onto the lawn, followed by a tall, skinny man and nearly a hundred dogs.


"Hi, Mom," Adrian says, as we all enter through the small brown gate into the yard.

His mom crushes him to her chest before he's made it more than three feet through the gate. When she releases him, she squeals at the sight of the rest of the PW crew.

His dad is much more subdue. He just claps Adrian on the shoulder. "How was the drive, son?"

"Fine. How's your art show coming along."

His dad smiles. "Fine."

"Abel! You're still wearing these awful, holey shirts? And these spikes on your jacket nearly took my eye out when I hugged you!" Adrian's mom chastises him, but she's still hugging him. She's too short to even reach the spikes on the shoulder of Abel's jacket.

Once she releases Abel, she turns to me. Her face is beaming brighter than the sun. "You must be Jesse!" She pulls me into a hug before I can answer. "We're so happy you're here." I can't help but smile as she pulls back. She reminds me of Nan. She places a hand over her heart. "Oh my, look at those dimples! You must have all the boys fawning over you!"

My face heats. "Thank you?"

"Let the boy breathe, Martha." Adrian's dad steps forward. "I'm Peter. Welcome."

I shake his proffered hand. There's paint under his fingernails, and his palm is callused from his wood carving hobby.

"We put you boys in the basement, and the girls in the guest room."

"Mom, Seb and Mahara have been dating for years, they should get the guest room."

"They can be married for all I care, but that's how the sleeping arrangements will be for tonight."

"That's great, Mrs. Cameron," Sebastian says.

Mrs. Cameron beams. "Always so polite, Sebastian. I was hoping after three years of friendship that would rub off on Adrian."

"Thanks for making me look like a bad son, Seb," Adrian grumbles.

"Come inside, Martha's made lamb stew and baked tofu for Abel."

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