Chapter 30

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I have NYC all to myself until I have to be at the bar to cheer the PW crew on. I didn't want to stray too far, so leaving Brooklyn was out, even if I was dying to see how much Manhattan has changed since my parents and I had visited when I was eleven.

I spend hours walking the streets, checking out random shops and bakeries to pacify my sweet tooth. The last shop I visit sells vintage clothes, and I find a Michael Jordan jersey I know Toby would love.

After I grab some tacos from a Korean/Mexican fusion food truck, I head to the hotel we booked for the night, and drop my purchases on the bed I was sharing with Shelby before heading back to the bar.

The bar is already packed when I arrive. It seems as if most of the people are here to see Tri-PROMISE, but there is a large number of people wearing Poisonous Winter merch as well.

It hits me then: One day my friends could be famous.

Just before Poisonous Winter goes on, someone taps my shoulder. I turn to find Kelly in a P.W. shirt and a bright smile. She looks younger than her thirty-three years. She looks more like she could be my sister, than the woman who gave birth to me.

"You made it!"

I actually didn't expect her to show up. Honestly, I only invited her because my mouth blurted out the words before consulting my brain.

"Of course I did," she replies, her voice shaking a little like she's nervous.

We don't have time to discuss anything further, suddenly the lights go low and a guitar riff rips through the air. The bar fills with screams as the lights illuminate the stage as Sebastian takes his mic and begins the opening lines of Burn, one of their more upbeat and popular songs. Kelly and I jump around, and I scream the lyrics along with Sebastian and half the venue. It's a little awkward, given we hardly know each other and are sharing this weird concert experience together, but I try not to think about that too much.

They play their most upbeat songs, raising the energy inside IUG, but after the fourth song, Seb takes the mic to address the crowd.

"How ya doin' Brooklyn? You guys having fun?" His questions are met with a crescendo of screams. He beams, and his blond hair sticks to his forehead with sweat. He looks very much like the famous rockstar he longs to be. "We're going to slow things down now. This is our new song written by my sister. I hope you guys enjoy it."

Seb and Shelby switch places so she takes center stage, and Sebastian picks up the guitar she left on the stand, slinging the pink strap over his shoulder.

The venue buzzes with confused excitement. P.W. fans know that Shelby often sings secondary vocals for Seb, but never has she been front and center like this.

Shelby smiles out at the crowd, but I can tell she's nervous. "This song is called Red Harmony."

She takes a breath and begins to sing. Her voice is eerie and beautiful, low and breathy at the beginning, drawing tears from my eyes as she tells a story about love, loss and jealousy.

"There is nothing left here..."

I don't know why, but that line just guts me, and the tears free fall.

The tempo builds as Shelby reaches the chorus and holds a beautiful high note that leaves my jaw on the floor.

The note ends and the crowd erupts in cheers, even as Shelby continues to sing.

Once the song is over, The entire bar is applauding and Kelly leans towards me to whisper, "Your friend is really talented."

I'm still crying and can't find the words to respond to Kelly.

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