1. Izuku

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Hiiii, dreamer here. This is my 3rd story so enjoy.

3rd person POV

Izuku Midoriya. When you hear that name your thinking of a always smiling happy boy who has everything he needs. A loving mother, a lot of good friends. Right? Well this is the story of how the happiest boy alive turns into a depressed boy who's barley alive. 

Izuku just came home from school. "Welcome home honey." Izuku's mother Inko said. "Thank you mom." The greenette smiled at her. Inko smiled back but that soon faded as a drunk man started yelling. "INKO! USELESS BITCH! WHEN IS MY DINNER READY!" Izuku's father was always drunk and sometimes it was worse then just yelling. He would hurt Inko a lot but every time Izuku's home, The boy would protect his mother. Of course he would get hurt then but he didn't mind as long as his mother is safe.

"I will start making your dinner right away sir." Inko said running to the kitchen. 'sir' That's something they had to call him. If Izuku would ever dare to say dad or father he would tell him that he isn't his son. "YOU HAVEN'T STARTED YET!?" He yelled again making his way to the kitchen. "I'm sorry sir." Inko tried to back away from her abusive husband. The drunk man took one of the empty beer bottles and smashed it into pieces ready to stab Inko. Luckily Izuku dropped his bag and ran to the kitchen just in time to protect the only thing that still loves him. "STOP! leave my mom alone!" Izuku yelled. "HOW DARE YOU YELL AT ME BOY!" Izuku's father grabbed the little boy by the throat and lifted him of the ground.

As Izuku was struggling to breath his father took him with him to the basement. "N-NO! P-pl-ease." The poor green haired boy had trouble speaking. Izuku's father threw Izuku against the wall and then he closed the basement door. "Let's teach you some manners." "No please i-i have school t-tomorrow." Izuku pleaded. "So? No one would care if you showed up with a couple injury's, It's not like a worthless brat like you could ever have any friends." The drunk man laughed. "I do have friends unlike you." Izuku said for the first time talking back. He was sick of his father. All these years mistreated, he wanted it to stop more then anything. but after all these years Izuku started to believe that maybe the reason why this all happens to him is because his dad is right. He is worthless, he is useless, He couldn't even protect his little sister and here he is wanting to be a hero and save the whole world. 

Izuku's father kicked him once in the stomach and started talking again. "you friends? We'll see about that and i have friends too a lot of friends and if you think that i'm already abusive then you don't want to meet them. But because you just talked back to me with that filthy mouth of yours i will ask if they want to meet you. i'm sure they would love to play." His father gave Izuku an evil grin. 

After two hours of Izuku getting beaten up his dad just left him to get an other bottle of beer. After Izuku's father left Izuku did his best to stand up and walk to his room. He struggled to walk a bit but he is used to it. As he limped to his room he passed a little girls room. Izuku stopped in front of the room and looked inside. *I miss you Izumi, i'm sorry.* 

When he arrived in his room he walked to his small personal bathroom. There where bandages and blood everywhere. Izuku cleaned his wounds and walked to his bed. he let himself fall on his bed and passed out immediately. 

Izuku Midoriya. There was once a time where he was a normal happy boy. Things change i guess.

If this is happening to anyone please you are not worthless you are loved and maybe try to get out of your situation. STAY SAFE! I hope you enjoyed and have a really good day. Keep dreaming. dreamer out^-^

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