18. No more friends

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💭By dreamer💭

3rd person. 

It was early in the morning and most of the students of 1A were already in their classroom, holding a meeting. Only Katsuki and Izuku weren't there. "Should we start?" Uraraka asked. "Bakugo isn't here yet." Kirishima said. "We only have ten more minutes until Mr. Aizawa gets here so we have to start without him." Urarake explained. "Why are we even here?" Momo questioned. "Some of you probably already saw but for those who didn't, I'm going to show it here." Uraraka said as she connected her phone to the front board. The security footage of Izuku killing his mother was played. 

Everyone felt betrayed. No one knew that Izuku was capable of killing his own mother. The video was played a couple of times until Uraraka spoke again. "Izuku, the person we all trusted, the person we saw as our friend, who we thought would never hurt a fly, Killed his own mother... We can't let this slide, we can't call him our friend anymore, he is a villain. So any suggestions?" 

"Maybe he was drunk?"

"Maybe his mother wanted to die?"

"Maybe he thought it was a thief?"

"We could ask him why he did it?"

"We could ignore him?

"We can tell the teachers?"

"We should treat him like a villain since he is one."

"We could do what he did to his mother." 

"Okay, that's enough. We are heroes so we aren't going to kill anyone, We should tell the teachers." Iida said. "But what if Izuku has a really good excuse, you know best of all students that Izuku is Mr. Aizawa's favorite, If we tell the teachers then Izuku will get away with it for sure." Mina explained. "I understand." Iida said. "I heard an idea I like, Ignoring Izuku seems best." Uraraka said. "I agree." Mina stated. As everyone agreed Mr. Aizawa walked into the classroom to start teaching. 

Katsuki just woke up and looked around. He saw Izuku lying on the floor with a thin blanket over him. The poor boy was shaking and sobbing, He was having a nightmare. For just a second Katsuki felt a little guilty for making him sleep on the floor when it was so cold. But that feeling disappeared when Katsuki saw the time. HE OVERSLEPT AND IZUKU IS THE ONE WHO WAS TO WAKE HIM!

That piece of shit nerd I will teach him a lesson! Katsuki thought as he stamped over to Izuku's unconscious body on the cold floor. The angry blonde Kicked Izuku in the stomach to wake him up like he always das. Izuku woke up gasping for air. Katsuki grabbed Izuku by the neck and pushed him against the wall. "You useless piece of shit! You were opposed to wake me up! Now I'm late because of you!" Katsuki yelled. "B-but K-ka-kacchan, I'm n-not g-going to school s-so there is n-no reason for me to g-get up this early." Izuku said struggling to breathe. "You selfish prick! You telling me you didn't wake me up because you aren't going to school? Well, I am so like always you need to wake me up!" Katsuki explained as he punched Izuku in the ribs and dropped him to the floor. "Tomorrow you better wake me up or I will kill you!" The blonde spat as he started to get ready for school.

"Don't go into the kitchen, go to the store to get everything that's on my list, wash my sheets and clean my whole dorm." Katsuki said before he closed the door to go to school. 'My dorm? but it's our dorm.' Izuku thought as he laid back down on the floor to get some more sleep. Because he had to vacuum the entire dorm room and wash a mountain of dishes yesterday, he went to sleep late, so he was super tired.

Hiii, dreamer here. Short chapter I know I'm sorry and I'm back with another question.

What animal would you like as a pet, any kind of animal from a cat to an elephant.

I hope you enjoyed it, have a great day, Dreamer out^-^

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