20. Nowhere to go

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💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

Izuku went to Todoroki and Ida's dorm to ask if he could stay the night. When they saw who was standing in front of their dorm, they slammed the door in Izuku's face. The poor boy didn't have a chance to say anything. "Ida? Todoroki? It's me, Izuku. I was wondering if I could stay for the night, Kacchan threw me out." 

"We should let him in, he is our friend." Ida said standing next to the door. "He is not our friend anymore, Ida. He killed his mother, his own flesh and blood. What is stopping him from killing us? Who knows he could have killed Bakugo already." Todoroki stated. "Please, It's just for one night. I don't have anywhere else to go." Izuku pleaded from the other side of the door. Izuku's so-called friends didn't reply. After waiting for a reply that never came, Izuku decided to go to the park where he always goes.

When Izuku arrived at the park it was dark and cold, he sat down on a bench and sighed. "What did I ever do?" The poor boy whispered to himself as he started to tear up. "I never did anything wrong, I just wanted to-" Izuku stopped talking when he heard a sound coming from the bush next to him. "Who's there? Dabi?" Izuku asked but no one answered. Out of nowhere a black cat came out of the bush and walked up to the greenette. 


The cat jumped onto the bench and crawled into Midoriya's lap. "Where did you come from little guy?" Izuku asked while petting the cat. 


"You're all alone too, huh?" 

An hour later Izuku fell asleep and Dabi arrived at the park, The cat was already gone when Dabi found Izuku sleeping on the bench. It was about to rain so he lifted Izuku off the bench and took him with him, he couldn't leave him sleeping in the rain. While walking Izuku suddenly started crying and shaking. "No... Please. Don't leave... I need you..." The villain pulled Izuku closer to his chest and whispered something in his ear. "Don't worry, I won't leave. I know how it feels." 

"WHY DID YOU BRING A HERO HERE!? NOW HE KNOWS WHERE OUR BASE IS!?" A voice yelled waking Izuku from his deep slumber. He opened his eyes, sat up and looked around. He was in a cozy bar. "He won't tell anyone, he didn't even see where I brought him, he was asleep." Izuku looked at the door where the voices came from. "Dabi?" Izuku questioned recognizing the voice. 

"HE COULD HAVE FAKED SLEEPING! WE SHOULD KILL THE DAMN KID!" Izuku stood up from the couch he slept on and walked towards the door. "He's like us, Shigaraki. I'm telling you, the kid has been thru a lot just like all of us. He belongs here." Izuku peeked through the door and saw Dabi having a conversation with a light blue-haired male. "no, he doesn't, he's a hero from UA. It's dangerous having this kid here." "Let him stay just for the night, he has nowhere else to go." "Just for the night, but if he wakes up and finds out where he is then I will kill him myself-" Shigaraki stopped talking when he saw Izuku standing in the doorway. 

Shigaraki stood up in a second, grabbed Izuku by the neck with 4 fingers, and lifted him off the ground. "SHIGARAKI WAIT!" Dabi yelled. "give me one reason why I shouldn't kill him!" Shigaraki said while Izuku was struggling to breathe. "He's like us I'm telling you." Dabi said. "Hell he is, Have you looked at him? He's incapable of hurting a fly, He's nothing like us. He's just a kid." Shigaraki spoke giving Izuku a pathetic look. "Exactly, He's just a kid. Remember how we were when we were kids? We were small, pathetic and we wouldn't dare to hurt a fly. He's like us, all he needs to do is see the truth about heroes." Dabi explained.

Shigaraki started thinking for a moment before letting Izuku go. The poor boy fell to the ground coughing, trying to take in as much air as he could. "Fine, Maybe you're right, I won't kill him. But if he does something I don't like I won't hesitate." Shigaraki said as he walked past Dabi. 

Hii, Dreamer here. 

I'm gonna need a name for the cat so, any suggestions? 

I hope you enjoyed it, I love you all! Dreamer out^-^

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