45. Lesson number one

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💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

"Izuku and I have known each other ever since we were little brats. We used to play together every day, We were inseparable..." Katsuki said with a soft smile on his face, but that smile soon faded. "Until I got my quirk... I was so happy, I showed it off whenever I had the chance. I went to Izuku to show him how great my quirk was, He was... So excited and happy for me. He couldn't wait to get a quirk of his own. But he never did..." Dabi remembered Izuku telling him he was a late bloomer and let the hero continue his story. "The doctor declared him quirkless. His dream to become a hero and fight side by side with me became impossible. I... got worried I guess. He was quirkless, so fragile and he still wanted to become a hero. I started to bully him, saying he couldn't become a hero. Hoping that crushing his dream would keep him safe. I guess I was so worried he was going to kill himself, that I was too blind to see I was the one killing him instead." Dabi didn't say anything after Katsuki's story. He let the words sink in first.

"I guess over time I forgot why I did it and just bullied him for fun. Especially when he suddenly got a quirk. I was furious, thinking he kept his power from me I bullied him more and more. If I knew it would end like this I wouldn't have done it." Katsuki explained looking at the ground as all those memories returned. "So you're telling me that if I go back in time right now and tell your younger self that Izuku would kill himself because of you, you wouldn't bully him anymore?" Dabi asked locking eyes with the blonde. Katsuki didn't say anything, thinking back to how big a jerk he was he would probably bully Izuku more. 

"You know what I think? I think you're full of shit! You didn't care about Izuku and you don't care about him now either! You're just a bastard who thinks he's better than everyone else. I think you saw something in Izuku that scared you. That's it, isn't it? You were scared Izuku would turn out better than you even if he was quirkless. I bet that's why you bullied him into suicide!" Dabi had it with all the lies. He pushed Katsuki against the wall and used his quirk to burn him. But Katsuki got out of his grip just in time. "You call yourself a hero? You're even worse than all of us villains together! Izuku told me all the lies you spread, he told me all the stories and for every story he had a scar to go with it! You're no hero! You are a monster!" Dabi yelled and if you would look closer at his face, you could see tears in the corner of his eyes.

"You know what! There is no point in talking to a villain, you only hear what you want to hear! NOW DIE!" Katsuki yelled right before releasing a big explosion from his hands. Dabi could easily dodge the blonde's attack. "Well, now I also know how Izuku got that huge burn on his back," Dabi whispered to himself as he created high bleu flames that surrounded Katsuki. "Listen monster. I won't kill you now because what fun would that be? But I will be back... And I'll bring a friend." Dabi said right before he left.

"Come on Izuku! Get in!" Toga yelled as she pushed Izuku into the car. "I don't know Toga, I've never been in such a modern car." Izuku said as he was seated next to twice. Toga got into the car next to Izuku as she closed the door. "We're good to go!" Toga yelled in excitement. Shigaraki was ready to start the car but someone walked in front of the car, It was Dabi. "Where are you all going?" "We are going to get pizza! And Izuku is coming with us!" Toga yelled happily. "Are you coming with us Touya?" Izuku asked. "Sure but I'm driving. I don't trust Shiggy's driving skills." Dabi said as Shigaraki rolled his eyes. The light blue-haired male crawled into the front passenger seat to make room for Dabi. "Do you mind Touya driving your car?" Izuku asked. "Pfff, This isn't Shiggy's car." Toga said. "Neither one of us has the money or the responsibility to have this car." Dabi explained. "But then how did you get this car?" Izuku questioned. "We're villains, we stole it." "YOU WHAT!?" Izuku was shocked but he should have known. "Now let's go!" Dabi said as he set his foot on the gas pedal. 

"Aren't you driving a bit fast?" Izuku asked worrying that they would go over the speed limit. "so? There's no one that can stop us." Right after Dabi finished his sentence, sirens could be heard from behind them. "You should have kept your mouth!" Shigaraki said. "Don't worry, this could be a teaching moment. Listen up kid, lesson number one as a villain. Don't let anyone stop you from having some fun." Dabi explained as he shifted into 5'th gear and drove faster.

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