35. Pain

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💭By Dreamer💭

Izuku's POV.

It felt like time stood still as I kept staring at the blade on the bathroom sink. I felt drawn to it like it was calling me to release the pain. I took a couple of steps closer and grabbed a hold of the sharp razor blade. I had to do it, it is the only thing that helps me feel something other than the pain I feel inside. As a single tear ran down my cheek I pressed the blade onto my wrist. Red liquid escaped my skin and dripped down onto the floor.

3rd person POV.

Katsuki was staring at the clock on the wall of the classroom. "He couldn't wait to get back to the dorms. It was the most boring class he has ever had, or maybe it was because he was worried about a certain green-haired boy. But of course, he would never admit that. As he watched the last couple of seconds go by the bell finally went and he didn't lose another minute to stand up and leave the classroom. Mr. Aizawa wanted to ask him how Izuku was doing but he didn't get the chance, Katsuki was already gone. 

"Deku, I'm back!" Katsuki yelled as he opened the door to their dorm. There was no answer. 'Could he still be asleep?' The blond thought as he closed the door behind him. Izuku was still asleep when Katsuki left for school this morning. "Izuku?" Katsuki asked as he entered the kitchen not realizing he called the nerd by his name. As the blond set foot in the bathroom to see if Izuku was still asleep, he didn't expect to see such a horrible sight. 

There was blood everywhere, Izuku was staring into the mirror with wide eyes. "Izuku?" Katsuki said softly. "What are you doing?" He asked while getting closer. The greenette just kept staring into the mirror without movement. Once Katsuki got close enough he put his hand on Izuku's shoulder but something wasn't right. The smaller male turned around in a flash and looked Katsuki dead in the eye while tears rolled down his freckled cheeks. "Kacchan? Is that you?" "Yes, Izuku it's me. I'm here for you." Izuku's tears stopped coming and his eyes suddenly turned blood red. "Is that a joke?" Katsuki was confused. "What? Don't remember? Our last year of high school. You made me cry and after you pretended you wanted to comfort me. And as I come closer to hug you, you burned me! I'll never forget that day, you broke my trust and I still have a hand-shaped scar as souvenir to remind me of how stupid I am to love you!" Izuku grabbed the razor blade and stabbed Katsuki right in the heart.

Katsuki jumped up from his bed, he was soaked in sweat and tears. His heart was beating fast and he was breathing heavily. As he realized it was just a dream he calmed down and looked around the dark room. He needed to pee, so he stood up and walked out of the room. Izuku who was sleeping on the floor in the small hall, was shaking and crying. He was probably cold, Katsuki took the only blanket he had and the heater was broken so it was freezing, on top of that Izuku's sleeping on the cold floor. Katsuki was watching Izuku sleep. Usually, when Katsuki went to the bathroom he would kick Izuku awake just for fun, But now he didn't feel the need to do that. To be honest after what Mr. Aizawa said he hasn't felt the need to hurt Izuku at all. 

The blond ignored Izuku and entered the bathroom to pee. But when he entered he saw something he didn't expect. No, it wasn't blood, it was puke. Katsuki came back out of the bathroom ready to kick Izuku again but stopped in his tracks. He couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't hurt Izuku just because he was sick. Instead, Katsuki put his hand against Izuku's forehead, checking his temperature. He had a high fever, he felt burning hot. Izuku leaned into Katsuki's touch and this was the cutest thing Katsuki had ever seen. 

Without thinking Katsuki lifted Izuku off of the ground and into his arms. Getting a closer look at Izuku's face he could see Izuku was really pale and had bags under his eyes.  The blond brought Izuku to his room and softly placed him in bed. Covering him up with the covers and leaving a kiss on his forehead is what he did right before he went back to the bathroom to clean all the puke.

Hiiii, dreamer here. I'm so sorry it took me this long because I was going through something. But I'm fine now so updates should be coming again if I can find enough time.

Anyway, I hope you liked it and have a great day.

I love you all❤

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