26. Back to school

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💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

A week has passed since then, since everyone in class 1-A found out about Izuku's little accident. The green-haired boy has been going back to school, thinking everything will turn back to normal but he was horribly wrong. Things got worse, a lot worse. In the beginning, they only ignored him but now they started calling him names.





They each left a huge hole in Izuku's heart because the words came from dear friends and another reason is because Izuku thinks the same way about himself ever since the incident. Not only his class but all the other students knew it too, even the teachers treated him differently. Everyone knew and they all called him the traitor of UA, all except one. Katsuki hasn't spoken a single word to Izuku ever since he found out. He hasn't even laid a single punch on him either. Katsuki ignored him completely and that's what bothered Izuku the most.

It was early in the morning and classes were about to start everyone was already in the classroom except Izuku. He got locked up in a toilet stall as a prank. The person who did it even emptied the trash on top of him. Not having the mental strength to open the stall Izuku just stayed there and cried his eyes out. Even though it has only been a week, Izuku's state got way worse than it was before. He cuts himself every morning and every evening until he almost faints. He doesn't eat and doesn't sleep, the only way he ever gets some rest is by fainting during the day. Even if not, Izuku thinks he deserves all the pain and suffering. Even the voices got worse.

What a useless student you are

You can't even make it to class on time

How do you expect to ever save a person's life on time

Their all right you are a villain

you killed your mother

an innocent woman

You should just give up 

Try Katsuki's advice

No one will miss you

You'll be doing them all a favor

Izuku sighed and leaned against the wall while taking the trash out of his hair. By the time he found the strength to get up and open the stall door class had already started. Before leaving the restroom he glanced at himself in the mirror and noticed blood dripping from his nose.

Another thing that got worse, Izuku's illness. Since he doesn't eat nor sleep his health went downhill causing his illness to spike. he hasn't been taking his meds either. Izuku believes he deserves his illness and refuses to take his meds, no one knows about it anyway so It's not a big deal.

Izuku sighed a second time and grabbed some tissues to remove the blood. He'll be fine if he doesn't get any attacks in class. Izuku's attacks only come at night so far, another reason why he doesn't get any sleep. But the bleeding he does at day is annoying. He doesn't want anyone to find out. 

Once the bleeding stopped Izuku made his way to class. Lucky for him Mr. Aizawa was teaching. The greenette knocked on the door before entering, everyone turned quiet and looked at him or in other words glared at him. "Izuku, Your late. Do you have a valid explanation?" Izuku started shaking, He couldn't tell Mr. Aizawa what happened. It would only worry him, If he cared at least. "I-I Overslept." Izuku lied and Aizawa just nodded. "Don't let it happen again, take your seat." When Izuku made his way to his desk, Hagakure tripped Izuku making the poor boy fall face-first. Everyone started laughing except Katsuki. "Good one Toru." "Yeah, nice." Once Izuku got back up and took a seat, Aizawa got the class to shut up and continued teaching. 

10 minutes later Aizawa's phone went off. "Sorry kids, I have to go. It's important. But use this time to finish homework or to study, Nezu Will probably send a substitute later today." He said as he read the text he got and walked out the door. From the moment he left the classroom, everyone turned their heads to look at Izuku. "He's left, there is no one to protect him." "Who will you run off to now huh?" All the students of 1-A gathered around Izuku's desk except Katsuki.

Izuku knew what was going to happen, It happened before. From the moment there isn't a teacher around his classmates except Katsuki would gather around him and throw insults at him until Izuku started crying. The first one to start was Todoroki since he hates it when people act differently than how they really are, like his father does. "Your a fake person and a lying villain!" "Yeah! how dare you be in this class and act like your one of us!" Uraraka was second. "That's not manly bro! You hurt our feelings, we thought you were our friend!" Kirishima was third. "We thought you were someone we could trust but you're a useless piece of shit!" And so on until Izuku was full-on crying again. "I-i k-know.... please s-stop" Izuku was having a light panic attack, he couldn't breathe nor could he call out for help.

They kept on insulting him until someone stopped them. It was non other than Katsuki. "that's enough, he had enough. I think he understands." All his classmates stopped and returned to their seats.

 Izuku wanted to thank Katsuki but he was confused about why Katsuki would help him in the first place, And why did the class listen to him? Did Katsuki tell the rest of the class a week ago what happened and asked them to hurt me or insult me? Is Katsuki the one behind all of this?

All these questions but no answers.

Hiii, Dreamer here. I hope you liked this chapter if not then tell me what could be better. 

Anyway, I haven't asked some questions in a while so here are two to make up for it.

Why do you think Katsuki helped Izuku?

And if you could choose your name, What would it be?

I personally really like the name, Kate or Taylor.

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