49. Snap

192 10 13

💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

Izuku now realized he was on the roof, not that it mattered. He wasn't gonna jump, not even thinking about jumping. He promised himself right then and there, that no one, not even Kacchan would ever make him think about killing himself ever again. Izuku wiped his tears and turned around to walk back inside. He was gonna do it, He was gonna kill that monster of a man and every other person who tried to manipulate him. 

Izuku walked downstairs, head held high. He had a new mindset, he was done running. When Izuku got into the living he saw Dabi and Toga walk up to him. "Izu are you alright?" "Yeah, kid we saw you running out of here kind of upset." "I'm fine, better even. I'm gonna kill him." Izuku said seriously. Toga immediately jumped up in excitement. "Yes! Way to go Izu!" Dabi on the other hand was worried. "Are you sure? I mean it could make things worse." Izuku gave Dabi a glare. "How could it be worse?!" "I'm just saying that killing someone can seriously fuck you up mentally." "I'M ALREADY FUCKED UP MENTALLY!" Izuku yelled back making it quiet in the room. "I'm doing this, and no one is gonna stop me. This is something I have to do." Was all Izuku said before he turned to walk down a dark hallway. 

Once he arrived at the door it opened on its own. Izuku walked in once again and saw one for all standing in the same place where he left him. "I knew you would come back. It's in your blood after all." Izuku walked closer and saw his stepfather still tied to the chair smirking. "You won't hold that smirk for long." Izuku said as he grabbed the knife from his real father. "Enjoy this, my son." One for all said as he placed his hand on his shoulder and then left, leaving Izuku alone to kill this monster. The man in the chair started talking from the moment one for all left. "come on Izuku, you can't kill me. You're not a killer." "You're absolutely right." Izuku said sarcastically as he played with the knife in his hands. "At least I wasn't, But if I remember correctly you made me kill my mom. So you made me a killer." Izuku said smiling as he walked closer to his victim. The man's eyes widened as he realized he had dug his own grave. 

3 hours later Izuku walked out of the room, his hands were soaked in blood. There were blood splashes all over his face and he was still holding the bloody knife. One for all was sitting on the sofa together with the rest of the league. They were talking about something but their conversation stopped when they saw Izuku walk out of the hallway. Toga jumped up with hearts in her eyes. "Oh, Izuku you look so good covered in blood!" she yelled as she hugged him. Izuku turned to look at his father. "I'm keeping the knife." Izuku said right before Toga pulled him upstairs with her. "Izu, I'm so proud of you! How was it? Did you have fun? did you taste the blood? Did he scream a lot? I have to show you something! Come on!" Toga rambled on without giving Izuku a chance to answer. she pulled him along another flight of stairs that led to a separate room (attic). "Close you're eyes Izu!" Toga said exited. Izuku did just that and followed his new best friend into the room blindly. The way to energetic girl closed the door behind them. "You can open them!!" Izuku opened his eyes and looked around the new room. "Since everyone in the league has its own bedroom we wanted to surprise you with one too since you're now one of us! And the other room you slept in was a guest room so... Suprise!!!" Toga yelled.

It was a huge room, with a high-sloping ceiling. There were wooden beams to support the roof. On one of the sloping ceiling walls, there was a window with a big windowsill. 

(something like this but the room is way bigger and black

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(something like this but the room is way bigger and black.)

"This is your new room Izu. You have the biggest one. You also have a huge bed, not that you're gonna use it. I also made a special sleeping spot for you all the way up there." Toga said as she pointed to the small open attic above the room. "You also have you're personal bathroom, now that you're covered in blood you can try it out." Izuku smiled. "Thanks Toga. I appreciate it." Izuku said as he walked to his new bathroom. "Come to my room later okay, I have to show you something." Toga said as she winked and left Izuku's new room.

Hiiii, Dreamer here. How do you like the story so far?

Have I made any timeline mistakes? if so let me know.

Anyway, I have a question for you all. What ships do you want to see in this story? Of course, I plan to end with bakudeku but that doesn't mean Izuku can't have some fun. I wanna see a lot of side ships or maybe fuck buddies idk. Or you rather have no relationships, just friendship and sibling treatment? possible too, just let me know.

Have a great day! lots of beautiful days. I love you guys❤

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