9. Going home

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💭By dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

Izuku entered his dorm room to pack his things to go home this weekend. "And where the fuck were you?" Katsuki asked standing in front of Izuku with his arms crossed over his chest. "I- um, I n-needed to ta-talk to someone." Izuku answered shaky. Katsuki narrowed his eyes. "Talk to who?" Katsuki asked curious. Izuku was a bit confused as to why the blond wanted to know. "Just someone." Izuku answered quickly while walking to the bathroom to get his things but soon got stopped by a strong hand grabbing his wrist. 

"That wasn't an answer." Katsuki started while pulling Izuku closer to him. "And if you ever dare ignore my question or turn your back on me again then your life will be so much worse then just sleeping on the ground, You understand?" Katsuki whispered in Izuku's ear. Izuku felt a chill run down his spine and goosebumps all over his body. "OI! I ASKED YOU A FUCKING QUESTION!" The taller male yelled glaring down on Izuku. "Y-yes I-i Un-unders-stand." Izuku said wile shaking out of fear. "Good. Now, who were you talking to?" Katsuki asked again. "Komi! She- she is m-my therapist." Izuku blurred out not wanting to get a punch, but either way Izuku knows he will get a beating by his  old man so what difference das it make? Katsuki smirked a bit. "A therapist? pfff What kind of hero needs a therapist? Your even weaker then i thought. Looks like the teachers finally realized that something is wrong with you. Either that or your just an attention seeker." Katsuki smirked on as he let go of Izuku and walked to the bedroom.

Izuku let out a sigh of relieve and a broken snob right before going into the bathroom to get his things. 

After he was done packing he walked to the bedroom and knocked on the door. "What do you want?" Katsuki said. "I'm going home Kacchan and i wanted to say goodbye." Izuku answered through the door. "How many time do i have to tell you. Don't talk to me unless you really have too." The blond said as he opened the door. Izuku looked up. "I know Kacchan but I still wanted to say that I love you." Izuku said. Katsuki's blood was boiling with rage. He grabbed Izuku by the collar and lifted him of the ground. "STOP SAYING THAT! for year you have been throwing that to my head and i'm sick of it! I know alright! I know that you have those stupid feelings for me but i don't care! I HATE YOU! I FUCKING HATE YOU SO MUCH SO STOP SAYING THAT! and just leave already." Katsuki yelled out as he drops Izuku on the ground and shuts the door in his face.

Izuku sat in silence on the cold floor, tears down his face but he was smiling. "I know Kacchan, i know you hate me but still. I won't miss a single chance i have to tell you how i feel. I really love you Kacchan, a lot. And i hate myself for loving you." Izuku whispered to himself as he get's back up and leaves the dorms.

An hour later Izuku stood in front of his house ready for the next level. He unlocked the door and stepped inside. Not even a second later his dad grabbed him by the throat and smashed him against the wall. "You little brat. Your late again! I already told you what happens when your late." Izuku knew what was going to happen but he didn't do anything against it. His mind kept running back to Katsuki's voice.

"I hate you!"

Izuku's POV.

Sir unbuckled his belt and started whipping me. It hurt a lot but to be honest i felt a little numb. Kacchan's words keep ringing through my mind. him saying that he hates me is nothing new but it still hurts, it hurts even more than my dads beatings. I still don't know why he hates me or why my dad beats me, or wait maybe i do. I am a useless, worthless wast of air and space. Maybe i should take Kacchan's advice from a year ago. I remember it clearly. He left me on the ground of the classroom and right before he left he e told me to jump off the roof of a building. Maybe he was right. It would be best for everyone. No, what am i thinking. I can't leave my mom. 

As long as she still lives with this cruel man i won't abandon her. 

Hiii, dreamer here. I hope you liked it and have an awesome day. KEEP DREAMING! Dreamer out^-^

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