Chapter 21: Confessions

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He parts his lips from mine and joins our forehead, leaving me flushed and breathless.

Is it really happening? 

Taehyung and me?

"You are not going anywhere," he says, whispering. I don't say anything since I'm too busy breathing in. My thoughts are so chaotic that I can't remember that my entire body is in pain, that we're in this dark forest with nothing but wild creatures. I'm a total mess.

He cups my cheeks and looks at me, his forehead puckering with so many emotions that I can't tell what he is thinking.

"You Are Not Going Anywhere!!" Taehyung once again emphasizes his words, this time with a clear voice.

I keep staring at him, unsure of where the conversation is going. Just a few hours back, this guy over here was busy explaining how much he hates me and how he can't even look at me. Then he runs into this dark forest at midnight, finds me at this hour that only God knows how, pretends as if he cares about me, and kisses...

He kissed me! 

No matter how hard I try to concentrate on our current talk, my mind keeps returning to a few minutes ago when his lips brushed mine. They were cold, soft, and melting like the first snow. It's no surprise that my body went numb at the time because it was genuinely amazing. I've never felt like that before. The way his lips readily and flawlessly fit into mine makes me wonder how many girls he has kissed before me. Should I ask?

I've been staring at Taehyung for a long time, my mind running wild with thoughts. He's likely confused about why I'm not responding to his conversations. Because I'm hell shocked, he just stole my first kiss, and I can't even be mad at him because it felt good. What the hell! 

Taehyung continues to stare at me before taking his hands from my face. He sits up straight, taking a long breath, possibly to calm himself, while I continue to stare at him like a child wanting her lollipop back. Yes, lollipop! 

"I are hurt. So, you are not going anywhere until... you recover." 

I can't believe my ears. This man over here is stuttering while talking to me. Woah! Which parallel universe is this? Did I somehow cross the multiverse while falling through the ravine?

"Okay." This is the only thing coming out of my mouth. I can't even make sentences. My heart is pounding so hard that I'm frightened it'll burst.

He looks at me for a while and then moves his head away. We sat still like that for a while until he coughed, breaking the silence. I don't know why but hearing him cough made me cough as well.

We both look at each other awkwardly and move our eyes away. I have no idea what I should do. Maybe sit here quietly until the sun rises, and then we find a way and go back, and then I take my pillow and scream. I want to scream so loud.

"Do you have any hobbies?"

I turn to face Taehyung. Where did that come from? Is he trying to initiate conversation?


He moves his eyes around me, not looking strictly at me. And then he looks at me directly, "Is there anything you love doing?"

"Painting, cooking, reading novels--the romantic ones!" I don't even know why I mentioned the last three terms, but I can't take it back now. Can I?


"You? What are your hobbies?"

"I play some sports, sing, play instruments, read poetry... sometimes."

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