Chapter 16 (Already Know)

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We all come downstairs and go to the living room there u see someone she said.
???:- Y/n
Y/n:- Babe

U give Eunwoo and Jeongsan to Jungkook and go to her and hug her and said.

Y/n:- I miss u, Lisa
Lisa:- I miss u too my Cupcake.

U both break the hug and smile at each other and then u hear.

???:- Noona/Sexy babe

U-turn around and see Eunwoo, Jeongsan, and Minji run to Lisa, and Lisa bend down to their level and hug them all the trio also hug her back and they said.

Eunwoo/Jeongsan/Minji:- We miss u Noona/Sexy babe.
Lisa:- I miss u too my Lil bun/giggling ball/Princess

They broke the hug and Eunwoo ask.

Eunwoo:- where is Jack Uncle
Lisa:- He was just coming in a few minutes.
Eunwoo:- Ok Noona
Y/n:- Lisa where is Jisoo Unnie?
Lisa:- Unnie was...
???:- I am here
Y/n:- U-turn around and see Jisoo Unnie coming with shopping bags and Jackson also coming with her u go to her and Hug her and said.

Y/n:- Unnie I miss u so much.
Jisoo:- I miss u too my baby

U both break the hug and smile then u hug Jackson and said.

Y/n:- I miss u so much Jack Oppa
Jackson:- I miss u too Y/n

U both break the hug and then he bends down on the level of children and hugs them all and they said.

Eun/San/ Minji:- We miss u so much Jack Uncle
Jackson:- I miss u too my Buns

They all break the hug and Jackson gets up and asked.

Jackson:- When did u come back?
Y/n:- Half an Hour ago.
Jackson:- ok

???:- Y/n Noona

You turned back and see Haneul (Jin's elder son) he run to u and hug u and u also hug him back and he said.

Haneul:- I miss u so much Noona
Y/n:- I miss u too Buddy
Y/n:- u grow big last time I see u four years ago u were just too small.
Haneul:- Haneul is a big boy now.
Y/n:- I know Haneul is a big boy.

U both break the hug, and u kiss him on the forehead and he asks.

Haneul:- Noona u said u were coming after one month but u came early.
Y/n:- hmm(u nervously smile and see toward Lisa and Jackson they also smile nervously and Mrs. Jeon ask)

Mrs. Jeon:- Haneul u already know that Y/n was coming.
Haneul:- Yes Granny
Mrs. Jeon:- Y/n how Children already know Lisa and Jackson.
Y/n:- Now who going to tell them(whisper to Lisa)
Lisa:- U tell (whispered back)
Y/n:- Mom BTW I already told my children about u all. And about how they know Lisa and Jackson so they met them in Pairs at fashion week.
Y/n:- Where all the models and company ambassadors came there they meet Lisa and Jackson 2 years before.
Y/n:- They also meet Haneul 1 year before. That is why they know them.
Y/n:- And about coming to Korea well that's true I was about to come here after 2 months because of my company work. But we came early.
Mrs. Jeon:- So that means u are not going to come here even coming to Korea.
Y/n:- Whether I want to come here or not but I came here because of my sons.
Mrs. Jeon:- ok, Now let's go and eat lunch.

Everyone goes toward the dining room and sits there Eunwoo and Jeongsan sit beside u. All the children were introduced to each other. U also meets Taehyung Twin's sons Taewoo and Taewon
They both are so cute but they look like the Taehyung mini version.
Maid served the Lunch and we all start eating u were feeding Eunwoo and Jeongsan and u notice that Eunwoo and Jeongsan's moods were off because they love to talk when they were eating and Dad asked.

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