Will you be My Valentine (special Episode)

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14th February

Morning time
Jeon Mansion (Mr.& Mrs. Jeon)

Right now everyone is in the living room after eating breakfast. Everyone is talking to each other. Then Jungkook said.

Jungkook:- Mom and Dad I want to ask you both something.
Mrs. Jeon:- Then ask Kook
Jungkook:- As today is Valentine's Day so can we have a Valentine's party where we can invite everyone?
Mr. Jeon:- It's a nice idea
Mrs. Jeon:- Kook you and your dad do decorations for the party and I & Y/n send an invitation to everyone.
Jungkook:- ok Mom.
Jungkook:- Y/n will you also help us
Y/n:- I will (smile)

Then Heejin started crying and Y/n stood up from the sofa and went to her and Jungkook's room.

Y/n & Jungkook room

Y/n entered her room where her 6-month-old daughter crying in her crib, then she picked her up and went to the bed and sat there with Heejin in her arms and started breastfeeding her. Within a second she stops crying and then someone knocks on the door
and Y/n asked.

Y/n:- Who is this?
???:- It's me
Y/n:- Kook you can come inside without my permission.

Then Jungkook opened the door and said.

Jungkook:- I know I can come inside but your privacy also matters to me ok(smile)
Y/n:- Ok Kook (smile)

Then he comes to you kisses your forehead and takes Heejin who falls asleep puts her on the crib covers her with her blanket then comes back to you who already adjusted her clothes properly. Then he sat beside you and asked.

Jungkook:- Y/n are you sure you can help Mom?
Y/n:- Yes I can why you asked this.
Jungkook:- You know na doctor told you to take rest as your body is still weak and taking any stress and tension will cause health issues.
Y/n:- I know that and I will take care of it.
Jungkook:- I know you will but still
Y/n:- no need to worry about this because I know you will take care of me even if I forget.
Jungkook:-i will always do it.
Y/n:- I know my sweet hubby(kiss him on his cheeks)
Jungkook:- Haven't you been so much romantic with me wifey?
Y/n:- Why not after all today is Valentine's Day.
Jungkook:- Ooho wifey, BTW I want to ask you something.
Y/n:- Then ask hubby

Jungkook gets up from the bed goes toward the table takes one rose from the flower pot comes to and goes his one knee and then asks you while giving you that rose.

Jungkook:- Wifey you are so gorgeous
Y/n:- And I know that you told me every day.

Jungkook just chuckled and said.

Jungkook:- Yeah, Yeah gorgeous wifey
Y/n:- so cheesy hubby (smile)
Jungkook:- Well I wanna ask you something wifey{smile)
Y/n:- Then ask hubby
Jungkook:- will you be my Valentine for today?
Y/n:- Why today I will be your Valentine's for the rest of your life.
Jungkook:- Ok wifey.

Then you both hear.

Mrs. Jeon:- Kook Y/n come downstairs
Jungkook:- Coming mom
Mrs. Jeon:- Then come fast
Jungkook:- Ok mom.

Jungkook then looked toward you and said.

Jungkook:- Let's go now wifey.
Y/n:- OK, you also get up you are sitting on one knee for a very long time.
Jungkook:- Ok

Then Jungkook got up and Y/n started to walk toward the door, then jungkook held her hand pulled her toward him, and said.

Jungkook:- where are you going wifey
Y/n:- Jungkook what are you doing
Jungkook:- I'm doing nothing I just need something
Y/n:- What you need hubby
Jungkook:- My morning kiss
Y/n:- I gave you after waking up ok?
Jungkook:- You gave but on the cheeks but I need here(point on his lips)
Y/n:- OK come here

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