Chapter 20(Untold Truth of Past)

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Y/n takes a deep breath before telling Jungkook about her past Jungkook was hearing her carefully.

Y/n:- It all started when I was in my last year of High school. I gave my final exams after that I enter in University's 1st year. At that time one new transferred boy get admission to our university and that was Daniel when he came I didn't care because I am not that much interested in friendship. So I ignored it. But after a month he came to me and said he want to do friends with me, so I just agreed after that he always talked to me it take time for me to get comfortable with him but after 2 to 3 months we become best friends but who knows that he will develop his feelings from more than a friend. When he said that he want to change our friendship into a relationship. I tell him I don't interested in him. After that day, he never comes to me or even transferred to another university. I just ignored it and start to concentrate on my career and studies. My brother knows about everything he said to me to be careful. After that when I get graduated on that time I get his call so I just pick it up and he just congrats me on my graduation. He also gets graduated on the same day I also congrats him back. And after that on our wedding day, he calls me just to tell me not to marry you, I just ignored him, I didn't tell anyone and It was my biggest mistake to ignore his word who knows that he was obsessed with me? I didn't care and when Eunwoo was born he knows everything at that time he kidnapped him when he was just 2 years old. At that time he going to destroy everything. Minhyuk Hyung saves Eunwoo from him but he runs away from that time without letting anyone know about this. That was the reason behind the Eunwoo trauma. He can't live alone, that's why Jeongsan is always with him.

Y/n:- About being the Mafia Queen of Underworld it's just a coincidence. I was just coming back to South Korea at that time from Japan after playing International Karate championship. On the way to the Airport, I just see that some man was beating a man I just help that man who know that he was a Mafia king after helping him I just came back to Korea. Maybe after one month, he came to meet me and said I should join their mafia group. I disagree with that because I give a promise to my Mom and Dad that I will never gonna join this Mafia world but who knows if I have to break that promise. I just join the group but leave the group at that time when Eunwoo gets kidnapped. That is my past story.

Jungkook:- Moonbyul Nonna said that u know Karate and taekwondo.
Y/n:- Yeah.
Jungkook:- U even play International then why don't u choose your carrier in them?
Y/n:- Can I tell you one thing which no one knows?
Jungkook:- U can
Y/n:- I had a finale on the same day of our wedding, I want to go there but I can't because my Dad forced me to marry u.
Y/n:- If on that day I ran away from our wedding, I think today we are not sitting here like this.
Jungkook:- U know what u should run away from the wedding on that day and go to play your finale.
Y/n:- Do you know why I can't run away because of our family reputation and status in society(sadly chuckles)
Y/n:- We have to sacrifice our dreams for family sometimes(smile sadly)
Jungkook:- I know(sad smile)
Y/n:- I there something happens to u in the past which I don't know.
Jungkook:- Yes, I also don't want to become the CEO of the company. I see the dream of becoming a singer.
Y/n:- Ohh, so why u have to become a CEO when there is no one to force you?
Jungkook:- I know but when my brother leaves everything here and moves on with your sister to another country. At that time my father needs me the most and also the company he builds with so much hard work.
Jungkook:- So I just leave my dream and join the business and Mafia work.
Y/n:- I think we have the same reason to sacrifice our dreams in different situations.
Jungkook:- Yeah(smile)

I laughed with Jungkook after that I said.

Y/n:- Now let's go inside the house dinner must be ready.
Jungkook:- Ok

I and Jungkook get up and go inside the house with our blanket and jungkook take his and your coffee cup and go to put that inside the sink. After he came back we go to the living room and see everyone sitting there you go there with Jungkook and u both sit down on the sofa. Then Hobi Hyung and Mom(Mrs. Jeon) ask you.

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