Chapter 21(Jeon Heejin)

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5 months later

Now Y/n is 7 months pregnant and her 8 months is about to start after 1 week maybe. Right now they are walking in the park. The doctor said it was good for Y/n to walk.
Y/n, Jungkook, Eunwoo, and Jeongsan were walking together in the park. After sometimes later Jungkook and Y/n sit on the bench which is in the park and Jeongsan Eunwoo goes to play in the park. Jungkook goes to buy ice cream for Y/n, Jeongsan, and Eunwoo. After a few minutes, later jungkook came back with ice cream and sit beside u and give u your Ice cream and called Eunwoo and Jeongsan. They both come to you and Jungkook and Jungkook give them their ice cream. They were eating Ice Cream and Jungkook ask Y/n.

Jungkook:- How are u feeling now?
Y/n:- Good, just having a little bit of pain in my feet.
Jungkook:- Ok

After eating ice cream they all get up from the bench and Jungkook helps Y/n to stand up and pick her up in the bridal style Y/n said.

Y/n:- Put me down Jungkook
Jungkook:- No, u have pain in your feet.

Jungkook walked toward the car with Y/n in his arm and Jeongsan and Eunwoo. They arrived where they park their car and jungkook unlocked the car and made u sit inside the car and also help Jeongsan and Eunwoo to sit inside the car. After that Jungkook goes and sits in the driver's seat and starts the car then drives towards the mansion. Half an hour later we arrived there jungkook parked the car and u cone out from the car with Jungkook Eunwoo and Jeongsan. Jungkook come to you and pick u up. Then u said.

Y/n:- Put me down Jungkook
Jungkook:- No, I was just helping u
Y/n:- It is so embarrassing for me Kook.
Jungkook:- There is no need to feel embarrassed, we are a couple and also I was helping my pregnant wife(smile)

U didn't say anything and Jeongsan and Eunwoo were just smiling seeing their parents like this. Jungkook takes u inside the mansion jeongsan and Eunwoo all come inside. Jungkook take u to the living room and made u sit on the sofa and give you a glass of water, u just drink it and said.

Jungkook:- San Eun u both go and hand wash your hands.
Jeongsan/Eunwoo:- Ok Appa

They both left from there and go to their room. Then jungkook said to u.

Jungkook:- U wait here I am going to make lunch for all of us, then u watch TV.
Y/n:- Ok(smile)

Jungkook kiss her forehead and left there and go to the kitchen for making lunch.  After some time jungkook came back after making lunch. Jeongsan and Eunwoo also come down. After that, we all go to the dining room and sit down maid served the lunch and we all start eating our lunch. After eating lunch we go to the living room and we all are watching a movie on the TV together.


Here Jungkook was making dinner Eunwoo and Jeongsan were completing their homework in the living room and u were sitting with them while helping them. You were feeling a little uneasy u don't know why. Then Jungkook came and said dinner is ready. Jeongsan and Eunwoo run to the dining room and u just get up from the sofa u shout in pain and sit down again on the sofa.

Y/n:- Aah (painfully screamed)

Jungkook runs too and asks.

Jungkook:- What happened Y/n (worried)
Y/n:- My stomach was hurting so much(crying)
Jungkook:- Please don't cry I will call the doctor now(worried)

He hugs Y/n tightly and rubs her back. He is about to call the doctor and Y/n shout.

Y/n:- Jungkook My water broke(shout)
Jungkook:- What? (shocked)
Jungkook:- But the doctor said there is still a month for your delivery.
Y/n:- I don't know, right now my stomach was hurting(shout and Cry)
Jungkook:- I will take u to the hospital now.

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