Chapter 18 (Kidnaped)

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After 4 months

During these four months, we enjoy it so much. Even celebrated Jungkook and Eunwoo's birthday which was on the same day. Last week I just came back from Hong Kong. Today was just a normal day I was doing my work sitting on the sofa in the living room. Jungkook goes to his office. Eunwoo and Jeongsan go to their school. I stop doing my work on my laptop and see the time. It's time for Eunwoo and Jeongsan to come back from school. I shut down the laptop and get up from the sofa and go to the kitchen and start making lunch. After 30 minutes u have done making lunch for Eunwoo and Jeongsan. U put the lunch on the dinner table and go to the living room and see the time now they both must come back from school today because they were late. U also feeling uneasy. Then u hear a bell ring u run toward the main door and open the door and see Jeongsan with bodyguards but Eunwoo is not with them. Then Jeongsan hugs and starts crying. U pick him up and ask bodyguards.

Y/n:- Where is Eunwoo(coldly)
Bodyguard 1:- Mam h-he (shutter)
Y/n:- He what (shout)
Y/n:-where he is (shouts at them)
Bodyguard 4:- Mam he gets kidnapped at the school.
Y/n:- What(shout) where we're u all at that time.
Bodyguard 3:- Mam we try to save him but they take him awake till that time.
Y/n:- Where is Jungkook?
Bodyguard 7:- Mam sir was in his office they send us to pick up the young masters(scared)
Y/n:- Call him and tell him to come home right now(deep and scary voice)
Bodyguard 8:- Mam sir is on his way.
Y/n:- Ok

They bowed to u and left from there u take Jeongsan to the living room and sit down on the sofa while Jeongsan is on your lap and u ask.

Y/n:- San tell me what happened there(calmly)
Jeongsan:- Mamma when me and Eunwoo coming out of school with bodyguard uncles some peoples in black suits come in and start to take Eunwoo with them.
Jeongsan:- Bodyguard uncle fight with them but those bad uncles shoot them I also try to save Eunwoo but they take him with them.
Jeongsan:- I am sorry mamma I can't save him I am not a good big brother.
Jeongsan:- I am sorry, sorry. (Crying)
Y/n:- don't cry ok, u try to protect your little brother u are a good brother not bad ok.
Y/n:- Don't cry (u are comforting him)

After crying so much he falls asleep in your embrace. U wiped the tears from his cheeks and take him to your room and lay him down on the bed and cover him with a blanket and kiss his forehead. After that, u go downstairs to the living room and see your phone ringing u pick up the call and said.

Call **

Y/n:- Hello, who is this
???:- Forget me already love
Y/n:- I already told u I am not your f*cking love.
???:- Ohh calm down I call u because your so-called son was with me.
Y/n:- Didn't I already tell u that It was a matter between us don't drag my family into this
???:- So what I can do because u normally don't understand that I want u
???:- I will make u mine in every way.
Y/n:- You
???:- Don't shout if u want your son then come to xxxxxxx building all alone if u try to do anything then your son will die.
Y/n:- ok I will come, but u did something wrong to my son then remember it was your last day in the world.
???:- Ok

U hang up the call then u hear.

???:- What he said.
Y/n:- U came back ( u go to him and hug him he also hugs u back and u start crying he caresses your back)

Y/n:- He kidnapped our son and he tell me to come to xxxxxxx building alone(crying)
Y/n:- I am scared that he does something to our son.
Jungkook:- no need to be scared of him u go there we will handle everything.
Y/n:- Ok

After u stop crying u take your phone and take your car keys and are about to leave then jungkook asks.

Jungkook:- Where are u going?
Y/n:- To save my son I have to meet him so now I am going to meet him
Jungkook:- U are going without hearing our plane.
Y/n:- I don't have time for it I am leaving now.
Y/n:- You come fast till I talked to him
Jungkook:- Ok

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