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"Where is it?!"
"Where is what?"
"I can't find it at all!"
"What are you trying to find? Maybe I can help you?" I suggested. Arthur was on the floor, pulling things from under his bed. "One of my journals! It was here?" He said, confused.

"Oh? Is this it?" I asked, pointing at a journal on the shelf. His eyes widened, and he ran toward it quickly. "Oh my! Why is this out? I swear I'm either losing my mind, or it feels like someone is moving my things," he said, annoyed. Arthur turned away from me and I saw a bald spot.

"Whoa! What happened there?" I asked, shocked. I walked to him and grabbed his head, and tilted it. "What is it?" He asked, concerned. "Well... you are missing hair right here... But it isn't like a bald spot now that I look at it. Looks like someone cut your hair off," I explained. He began to feel on the spot and ran towards the restroom.

"Did you accidentally do that?" I asked.
"No..... you've been the only one to cut my hair... But this looks recent... This is getting weird," he said, concerned. "Getting weird?" I asked, confused.

He sat down in his bed and held onto his journal. "I'm not sure how to explain it... But it's like; lately, weird things have been happening. Sometimes I get a strange feeling that I'm being watched..... maybe my house is haunted?" He suggested.

"That does sound weird... But if you ever need me to stay the night one day, just let me know," I smiled. "Thank you, Francis, that means a lot," he smiled.

I looked under his bed and found the journal he had been looking for that one time... That day was maybe two days before that video was taken. His hair was missing as someone had cut it. It terrified me to think of someone coming into his room to cut his hair in the middle of the night.

I grabbed the journal and sat down on the bed. I opened it up slowly and looked at the last entry made. It was the day he went missing.

"Francis is coming by later today, I want to ask him to stay the night with me, but I'm worried he might get the wrong idea...I'm just scared to sleep alone. The figure that stood outside my house the other night gave me nightmares."

My face grew serious and I began to read all the entry's from the past week.

"Things have been going missing or misplaced. They haven't been in the places I've left them, and it's freaking me out. My toothbrush was missing one morning, and I never found it. Some of my clothes are missing, and I know it couldn't be Francis messing with me... We are always together, it doesn't make sense."

"My hair was missing? I don't understand why? It wasn't shaved, I could tell. It was cut off..... I'm scared someone came into my home and did it to me."

"The other night, I heard noises outside... I went out to investigate it, and I immediately got shivers. Something didn't feel right.... Ever since then, I can't shake the feeling that I'm being watched every day."

Entry's dating back two weeks ago... that's when it started for him. Someone was definitely watching him, and I'm willing to bet that the mystery person took him. Who knows what he has done to him in the past two days?

I know now that I need to act fast! I'm running on a clock now, and I can't wait for some detectives to get off of their asses and help. If I had to figure this out by myself, I would do just that.

I took the journal and walked out of his room slowly. "Out of all the things in the world.... You've been my favorite... please don't be dead" I spoke allowed.

I knew he couldn't hear me at all... But maybe it made me feel better in a way. I can't let him go missing any longer, I was going to reach out to Alfred and Matthew, and I was going to have them help me.

I pulled out my phone and began to dial Matthew's number. It didn't ring long for him to answer.

"Francis? What's up?" Matthew asked.
"Matthew..... can you and Alfred come to Arthur's place right now? It's an emergency," he said desperately. "Francis? Is everything okay?" He said, worried. I felt the tears fall from my eyes, and I shook my head "no... Please hurry," I cried.

"We will be there right now," he spoke, hanging up. They weren't far from where he lived so I knew they would be here in no time.

I sat on the sofa and began to go through his journal some more...

" Today, Francis and I were together again. I think I have feelings for him, but I'm unsure if he feels the same. We are so different from each other but I love being around him. I think he has been the best person to ever come into my life. I wish I had the courage to confess to him. Maybe soon, I want to know how he feels so I can tell him how much I've loved him."

He wrote that a week ago...

I smiled at it, and I wanted to cry some more. I should have told him how I felt a long time ago.... And if this situation worsens, I might never be able to tell him. I'm such an idiot for doing this and not being there for him! I should have stayed the night! I'm the worst friend ever.... I'll never be able to forgive myself if someone worse happens to him. I wouldn't be able to show my face to Mathew and Alfred ever again.

"I love you too, Arthur," I said allowed.

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