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"He is lucky.... another hour in that room and he would have been dead"
"Thank you for everything"
"I know the police are investigating what happened.... All of you got really lucky"
"How long until he will be fine?"
"Physically...... a month or two.... Mentally.... Well who knows what he saw, he might have PTSD, I recommend counseling"

I looked to everyone and they looked so horrified. "When will be wake up?" I asked. "He is in a coma.... There isn't really a way to tell..... I'm sorry" the doctor spoke. I looked over to Arthur and walked over to him.

The doctor walked out of the room and all of us sat around him. I grabbed onto his hand that was rested on the side of him and I felt so guilty. "Don't beat yourself over it Francis.... We managed to save him with out the police.... Thank god we did....he would have been dead.... Maybe even thrown somewhere where no one would find him"


He was right but I didn't want to think about it. "Speaking of! Why did all of you not call the police?" A voice spoke. We all turned our heads and I saw the detective standing there. He was with his partner and they had files in their hands. "Because..... we figured out what happened and needed to save him" I spoke.

He walked over to us and I didn't bother looking at him. "Well.... You managed to solve the serial killer case..... and more" he started. I looked at him confused and he handed me something. I looked at it confused and it was pictures of the crime scene.

Pictures from inside the house....

My eyes widened and I looked to Matthew horrified. "What is it?" Alfred asked worried. I handed him the file and all three of them looked at it.

"We think that he was also planning on taking your other friend the day before. But I'm one of the journals he wrote in, explained that he wasn't able to because of you.... Alfred" the detective spoke. "No wonder he kept trying to get us in the house... and why he suddenly hit you over the head" Alfred spoke horrified.

"Don't worry though..... he is dead. The officer killed him and the case is closed" the detective said. "You all were very brave.... But next time... please just call the police" he said nervously.

We all nodded at him and he waved a goodbye to everyone. "Well..... we are going to go home and bring you some food and clothes.... Do you need anything else?" Alfred asked me. "No.... Thank you though" I spoke.

"We will be back okay"
"Okay...." I spoke. They all looked to me worried and began to leave the room as well. Now I was alone with Arthur......

He had bruises on his face.... A bandage in his arm where he was missing a piece of skin. His leg was up on this thing to help his broken leg. His body temperature was nearly at ninety and he had hypothermia. The doctors said it was caused by him being stripped in a cold room and water being splashed on him.

It sickened me to think that the is was only done in two days. If I were an hour late.... He could have been dead. He hasn't woken up in two days already. Today we were finally allowed to see him.

After the day I saw him... I never left his side for the next two weeks. I took a leave from work and would sit with him all the time. I offered to help wash him and change his clothes. I would talk to him all the time and try and pretend he was just sleeping....but I always found myself crying.

Matthew, Alfred and Kiku would come to check on me but I told them they didn't have to worry so much and I'd send updated. That didn't stop them from coming in and eating with me every day.

"Wow, look at this Arthur...it says that a new restaurant is opening up this summer! We should go" I cheered. I showed him the newspaper and smiled at him. "I know I'm a little old fashioned using the newspaper.... But some habits never go away" I laughed.

I watched him as he lay there and I began to breath out defeated. "You know Arthur..... I really love you.... So if you want to wake up now, it would be perfect timing" I laughed.

I looked at him sadly and began to move some of his hair away from his face. "You were always so happy and so mad all the time.... I know I acted annoyed sometimes, but no matter what I always loved you. I always had a soft spot for you, and I knew that I had never loved so much in my life before" I began to cry.

I held onto his hand and continued to watch him lay there still. I leaned into him slowly and planted a kiss on his cheek. "I'll be here until you wake up..... and if you decide you don't want to.... I'll still be here..... and I'll make sure you have everything you need" I cried.

I put my head on his stomach and began to cry into him. I didn't know how to control myself. I think was was starting to lose my mind. "I promise...." I smiled.

I began to turn on the small speaker I brought and I began to play Billie holiday. He loved her music so much and always listened to the song "solitude"

Music is good for coma patients. So I hear, maybe it will help him, if he can hear. I'm sure he'd love it a lot, to hear a bunch of music that he loves a lot. That's something I can do for him.

"I love you Arthur....so much.... Please just come back to me" I smiled.

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