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"Francis... You've been very affectionate lately..... " I laughed as he held me. "I just love being around you," he smiled. I wrapped my arms around him and he squeezed me tightly. "It's getting pretty late though, maybe you should head out," I laughed. "Ahhh!!! I could stay here forever....but you are right," he spoke. "Don't worry, tomorrow we are seeing each other," I added.

He put his hand on my cheek, and I smiled at him sweetly. "Goodnight..." I smiled. "Goodnight..... Arthur," he smiled.


Once Francis left I locked the door tightly and made sure everything was locked all the way. Weird things have been happening to me and I didn't want anyone sneaking in. I know that might be a stretch but I swear that it feels like someone's been watching me. Well... I mean I guess I confirmed it last night. 

There was a part of me that wanted Francis to stay... but maybe tomorrow I can ask him? Maybe stay at his place?

I walked back over to the table and grabbed a pen and sticky note to write a list of things I needed to get from the store. A pocket knife was the first thing... I figured I could use it just in case. I wrote smart light because I figured if there was movement outside it can turn in and scare people off. I wrote flashlight next ..... again to scare someone away, just in case. Lastly, it was boxing gloves... I wasn't much of a fighter but learning some self-defense wouldn't be too bad.

I was going to write down more when I suddenly heard a thud noise coming from outside. It startled me a little, and I slowly looked at the sliding doors that led outside. I couldn't tell if it came from there or the front yard.

I took a deep breath and stood up from my seat. I should check it out. Or was that stupid? Was it too late to call Francis? Or maybe even the police?

In scary movies, this would be the part where the killer gets the victim....but this is real life. That person bleeds just like I do, and they feel pain just like I do. If I get a good hit in, maybe I can figure out who has been doing this.

I walked towards the front door and looked through the small window... I didn't see anything.

I took a deep breath of courage and began to slowly unlock the door. I looked outside before stepping out and there was no one. "Weird..." I whispered. I began to walk out of the house and tried to look around to see if Francis was maybe out there. "I swear... I must be losing my mind," I laughed to myself in a goof-....

I suddenly felt conscious again. What on earth just happened?

I squinted my eyes trying to see but I couldn't see anything too well. All I heard was music I recognized the song, it was called what a wonderful world.

I tried to move my hand, and I couldn't.

Then I tried to move my legs, and I couldn't.

My eyes suddenly opened wide and I looked around, shocked. I was just outside! But now I'm.... Where am I?

I felt my heart racing and I began to freak out as I saw I was strapped to a chair. "HELP! SOMEONE!" I called out. I was really starting to freak out as I noticed the room I was in. It looked like a basement... It had stairs going up and there was nothing around.

I noticed a mirror across from me and saw I had blood on my neck. Was that mine?

"HELP!" I yelled again.

I heard the door open from up the stairs, and I felt relieved. "Please! I don't know where I am! My family, they will be worried!" I cried out.

The man came out of the shadows, and he looked to be around my age. He had blondish hair and was super buff. "No one will be able to hear you," he spoke.

Shivers went down my spine, and I began to move around again. He began to walk closer to me, and I looked at him, horrified. "Are you going to kill me?" I asked. He began to laugh and shook his head "not yet..... you see I always want someone else, someone that you may know," he started. He showed me a picture, and my eyes widened.

It was Matthew.....

"What? Why take us for? And then kill us?"
"Because..... you two are just what I need..."
He looked at me, and he had evil in his eyes. "Satisfaction," he smiled.

I looked at him, horrified, and he walked over to me. The man pulled my hair and looked at me disgusted. "I didn't do anything to you," I said, annoyed. "You didn't need to..... I've been watching you for a while... and your Francis..." he began to laugh.

I felt myself get angry, and I began to glare at him. "Don't you dare hurt him!" I yelled. "No need... But if it happens, it happens..... to be frank..... I hate the relationship you have..... you don't need to do anything ....nor does Matthew... People flock to you, and it pisses me off," he hissed.

I looked at him, confused, and I pulled my hair away from him. "So you are jealous because you don't have friends? Please just kill me now," I spoke, rolling my eyes.

The man suddenly punched me in the face, and it stunned me. I felt blood drip down into my mouth, and I looked at him, pissed. "Alfred won't let you lay a finger on him... good luck getting close enough.... Francis will notice I'm gone, and all of them will never be alone," I spoke.

"Well... If I have to take him by force... maybe Alfred and Francis will just be collateral," he looked at me terribly. This wasn't good...

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