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I'm not usually one to freak out in situations. In fact, I can be super calm and try to find solutions. However, in this situation, I was freaking out.

"I have this friend who..... well, we've gotten very close. Then suddenly..... he disappeared. I was supposed to meet him two days ago as planned... I even went to the spot we agreed on. He never showed up. At first, I thought he might have stood me up, or maybe forgot. However, I went to his house, and he wasn't there..... I'm just... Really worried," I explained to the detective. 

"He didn't mention doing anything else?" He asked. "Not that I know of...." I explained. "Hmmm, okay... You are going to go home and write down everything the two of you did the days before and come back so I can look into it. I'll have some officers check his place out as well," the detective spoke. "Thank you so much... I'm really worried about him! It isn't like him to do this!" I spoke worriedly.

He nodded at me and began to reassure me that everything would be taken care of.

When I left the police station that day, I began to feel like there was a hole inside of me. Where was he? Why was he gone?

The last day I was with him, everything seemed fine. His smile.... His laugh.... I will remember them clearly till they find him.

"Francis! I know you said you want to look for another job, but looking through the newspaper is really old-fashioned," Arthur laughed at me. As usual, I was at his house for dinner, and I pulled out this newspaper. "I know... but they always have cool things," I laughed. I came up behind him and rested my chin on his shoulder "look!! These tech companies have positions open! And then over here you can see how the economy is doing," I cheered.

"Yeah and over here you can see how there is a crazy person on the loose," he looked at me. I laughed nervously at what he said and shook my head "Ahhhh you are right!"

Arthur and I were buddies from work, and we'd known each other for about a year. He was super friendly, and I've honestly fallen in love with him. It's just a matter of time before I choose to confess my feelings.

"Enough with crazy people; how are you doing?" I asked. I began to pour tea for him, and he looked at me curiously. "Francis, we spent all day together..... we spend lots of time together, you should know," he laughed sweetly.

"I know....but still, I just want to check on your brain," I smiled at him. I put my hands on his head and began to run my fingers through his hair gently. "Francis, stop! You'll make me fall in love," he joked.

That was the plan...

"Arthur, let's meet tomorrow."
"Tomorrow? For what?"
"A date?" I smiled. He suddenly spit some of his tea out shocked and looked at me, stunned. "You want to go on a date? ....with me?" He asked surprised.

"Arthur, I wouldn't want anyone else" I smiled. His cheeks began to turn red and I continued to rest my head on his as we looked through the newspaper.

"What time then?"
"How about for lunch? And we can go from there!"


Wait a minute..... that newspaper......I think I left it at his place. I quickly began to run toward his house, and it took ten minutes of running to finally make it there.


When I was at the front of his home, I began to breathe in and out deeply. I began to walk toward his front door, and I began to look through my pockets for the key. He had given it to me a while back for emergencies.

I began to open his door slowly, and it was empty... Just as it was earlier. His smell was still around, and it made me feel better. I slowly took my shoes off before entering and began to look around.

Everything was as it was left the other day. Wouldn't it make sense that he probably went missing later that night if everything was still in its place? It wasn't like Arthur to not clean up like this. Something must have happened after I left.

I began to walk to his bedroom, and just as I thought. The bed was made..... either he didn't go to sleep that night..... or he woke up really early. Early because our date was supposed to be at noon.

But if he was woken up earlier, the stuff would have been cleaned. I began to look carefully through his things, and I felt terrible about it. "I need to find his phone!" I said to myself.

I looked all over the house, starting with the bedroom. I looked through his dresser, and then I went to the restroom, and nothing. I walked back to the living room and began to look at the sofa and the tables.

I finally made it to the kitchen, and to my surprise, it was on the countertop. My eyes widened, and I touched it softly..... just where he had left it the last time I saw him.

"Francis, do you want a piece of cake? I made some earlier!" He smiled. I nodded as he began to stand up, and I followed him to the kitchen. He quickly checked his phone and began to type something on it.

"Just one piece?" He asked, placing his phone down. "Yes, that sounds nice!"


He must have gone missing the night I left home. I felt tears roll down my eyes, and I was extremely scared. What if something terrible happened to him? And I left that night....left him alone.

I began to hold onto my chest, and I could feel my heart beating out of control. I had a panic attack, and it felt terrible.

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