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I looked at the the bag hooked up to Arthur and I noticed it was starting to get a little empty. Shouldn't someone replace it by now? I stood up from my seat and walked towards the door. I looked around and I looked towards a nurse. "Ummm!!! Can someone come over here? I think he needs a bag changed" I called out. "We will be right there" one of the lady nurses spoke.

I gave her a thumbs up and turned around to Arthur and my heart nearly fell out of my ass. It terrifies me to see him just sitting up suddenly. He was looking out the window and the window I opened let in a breeze.

"Ar....thur...?" I spoke softly. My eyes widened and I quickly walked over to him. He didn't answer me at all and I walked around him to see his face. He had tears falling from his eyes and his eyes widened seeing me. "Am I in heaven? Is this what happens?.... Am I dead?" He asked. His voice sounded terrified and it was shaking.

I looked over to him and took a seat in front of him, and he looked to me sadly. "Why are you in my heaven Francis? Are you dead too?" He asked confused. The doctors warned me he would be this confused and agitated if he woke up.

" No.... I'm not dead..."
"But I'm dead..... is my mind playing tricks on me? Are you in my imagination?" He asked confused. I shook my head and grabbed his hands "no .... I'm real, I'm alive" I spoke. He looked down to my hands and his eyes widened.

The nurse came in and saw this and immediately turned around quickly to get a doctor.

I looked back to Arthur and his eyes seemed out of it. "Arthur.... I'm not dead... and I'm really here.... So that means you aren't dead either" I explained slowly. "What? How is that possible? I ..... the room I was in...... I died in there" he explained. "I know..... it's a lot.... But you were in a coma..... Alfred, Matthew and Kiku and I found you and rescued you.... An hour later and you would have died" I explained scared.

His eyes widened and he began to fling his arms everywhere. "A coma?!!!! No!!! I'm dead!!!!" He yelled horrified. "You're lying!!!! I'm dead..... I wanted to die!!!" He cried.

I stood up quickly and held onto him tightly. "It's okay..... you are safe.... I'm here...." I said trying not to cry. My hug seemed to calm him down a little and he stopped trying to fight me. "For how long?" He asked quietly.

"About three weeks....." I spoke. He looked to me shocked and put his head back. Suddenly a doctor and nurse came in and they started to do all types of tests on him and asking questions and explaining stuff to him. However I could tell that Arthur drowned them out.

I stood to the side and quickly texted everyone that Arthur was awake. I began to watch him from the corner and seeing him move around was freaky. I didn't think this moment would come at all. He looked over to me and wouldn't stop staring at me. It made me nervous but I kept a straight face.

When the doctors finished they came over to me and explained the rehabilitation steps and how they need to give him a physical in the next days to see where he needs to be. They decided to settle those things tomorrow and let us enjoy being around Arthur again.

I walked over to him and took a seat beside him. "Hey... how are you feeling?" I asked. "A little shocked...... and confused....and tired surprisingly" he laughed. "Oh no..... I'm not ever letting you sleep again" I laughed.

We both smiled at each other and I stood up to hold him. "I'm here for you.... Don't worry" I explained. He wrapped his arms around me and i heard him start crying. "I knew you would find me..... I was just worried it was too late" he cried. "No.... I would have never let you die in that place" I spoke.

"Wait.... So what happened?"
"Ahhh..... Alfred, Matthew and Kiku are on their way... we can explain it later" I spoke. He took a deep breath out and nodded. "Okay then" he spoke.

I looked into his eyes and began to move hair out of his face. "I love you..." I spoke. His eyes widened and I saw how tears fell to his cheeks slowly. "Francis......I..... I love you too...." He cried. I felt tears swell in my eyes and I held him tightly again. I thought I'd never be able to talk like this to him again. I was so scared that I was going to lose him. My heart would not be able to have taken that at all.

I'll never take him for granted ever again. I was going to cherish every moment I had with him and give him the happiest life he could ever ask for. He was the love of my life and.... He deserved everything thing world. They way this situation made me feel had been heart aching and I don't wish this in my worst enemy.

His face lacked color still and his eyes seemed to lack any feeling. He was definitely traumatized and it was going to take a lot of therapy and talking to make sure he felt safe again, and to not think that he had died. Because I was sure that he still thought that. That all of this was dream to him. It was scary but I want him to believe that he was alive and didn't die a tragic death.

I leaned into him slowly and began to kiss him softly on the lips. "I'll always be here for you.... So don't worry... I'll protect you no matter what" I spoke softly. "I believe you" he spoke.

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