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"Francis?! What happened? Is everything okay?" Matthew and Alfred barged in. They looked at me and looked around for Arthur. "Where is Arthur?" Alfred asked.

"He went missing two days ago..... I didn't think it would be this serious, but after the second day, I finally went to the police station. They didn't seem to care too much, so I came back here to look for anything....and it might be much worse," I started. I showed them his phone and his journal and put a hand on my head.

"I think someone took him... There are videos and pictures from the days before of a figure standing outside... And his journal... He has entries of strange things happening to him," I explained. Alfred took the phone, and Matthew looked at his journal.

"So you were the last person to see him?" Matthew asked worriedly. "Yes, but I think he must have been taken that night... Everything is the same as it was left. Even his phone was still in the kitchen," I explained. Alfred began to walk toward the table and looked at everything still there.

"Hmmm... That's odd, but there's no sign of struggle. Maybe he left?" Alfred spoke. He began to pick up a piece of paper, and I saw it was a list. "Look? Was he planning on going to the store, maybe?"Alfred added. Matthew and I looked at it, and it said pocket knife, smart light, flashlight, and then boxing gloves?

"What are all of these things? Why would he need these?" Matthew asked. Alfred shrugged, and I could tell Matthew was thinking hard about it.

"Wait! Doesn't he have security cameras? Alfred came by maybe three weeks ago to help install them," Matthew spoke. My eyes widened, and Alfred's eyes widened. "Oh yeah! His laptop! He has access to them!" Alfred spoke.

I immediately rushed to the bedroom and found his laptop. I grabbed it quickly and brought it back to the living room where everyone was at. "Shit!" Matthew spoke opening it. "What?" Alfred asked. "It's Face ID only, we can't get in without his face," he answered.

Oh shit... What were we going to do now?

Suddenly it hit me..... Alfred..... he was Arthur's brother and looked like him.

My eyes widened, and I looked at him. "Alfred! I think we can make you look like him!" I started. Matthew's eyes widened, and he began to laugh. "Maybe different eyes, but it can work," he started.

I quickly pulled Alfred to the bedroom, and he looked horrified. "What about Matthew?" He tried to say. "Nope! You look more like him!" Matthew laughed.

Matthew took off his glasses and began to fix his hair like Arthur had his. "Just change your shirt and see if it makes a difference," I started. I looked around the room and found a black pen, and when I found it, I walked over to Alfred. He saw the pen and looked horrid.

"This will wash off, I promise."
"What?! Not my eyebrows, dude! Please!"
"Alfred hold still, will you!" Matthew demanded. He began to hold him down, and I darkened his eyebrows and made them look more full.


When I finished with him, Matthew and I stood back, and I wished Arthur was here to see this. "Put this on quickly so we can see if this works," I demanded. I threw him a shirt, and he glared and Matthew and me.

"Hurry, brother!" Matthew laughed, and we both left the room for him to change.

Matthew and I waited for him, and he began to look through Arthur's phone too. "What if something really, really bad happened..." he whispered worriedly. "No! We will find him before that happens," I reassured.


The door to the bedroom opened, and we watched as Alfred came out. He looked pissed, but he actually looked like Arthur. I'm sure if we could have gotten him contacts, it could have. "Let's hope this works, and I didn't do this for nothing," Alfred spoke.

Matthew opened the laptop, and Alfred began to look at the camera. He kept blinking to fool the computer, and it ended up working.

"Yes!" I cheered.

Matthew began to click the security camera app they installed, and we saw ourselves. I didn't even know he got cameras. "Let's rewind it to three days ago," he spoke.

My eyes widened, and my face got red. "Wait! Can you skip till when I left..... I just...... uhhhh...."

"Ahhh, getting freaky huh? Gotcha!" Alfred laughed. "Hey!!! It wasn't like that!!"
"We can skip over it" Matthew spoke.

He stopped it at the point where I left. I hugged Arthur and waved goodbye to him. I missed him so much, honestly.

When Arthur closed the door, it looked like he double-checked that everything was locked. He walked back to the table and began to write stuff down. "There isn't sound?" Alfred asked.

"No, but I doubt we'd need it," Matthew spoke. We all continued to watch the cameras. Arthur suddenly looked toward the door and left his spot. I watched carefully as he looked through the windows.

"What is he doing?" I asked, confused. "Aren't there cameras on the outside?" Alfred asked. Matthew nodded and switched the view. Suddenly, horror-filled all of us. It felt like the blood drained from my body as I watched the figured man standing on the side of the house.

"What the fuck? Who is that?" Alfred said, horrified. "I don't know!" Matthew spoke, freaking out.

We continued to watch as Arthur began to open his front door "No you idiot!" I said, angry. He walked out of the house and looked around, confused.

The figure emerged from the corner and proceeded to bash Arthur in the back of the head. He suddenly fell to the ground, and the person began to drag him into a nearby car. It was hard to see anything, but it looked like they were driving right toward the city.

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