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Kiku was looking at the footage carefully and stopped to think. "Well...... firstly... Does anyone else have access to these cameras?" He asked. "Hmmm? I don't think so..." Alfred answered. "Well, I'm asking because it would be harder to find out which way he went and then from there find the cameras... It's doable but a long process," Kiku started. He began to connect his laptop with Arthur's and slowly typed things. He would stop between to think for a second.

"Okay so I'm connected to his cameras, and it says someone else has access to them," Kiku said and looked at us. "What? How is that possible?" I asked, confused. Alfred, Matthew, and I began to look at what he was doing, and sure enough, I saw that another IP address was attached to the cameras. Even an idiot could see that.

"Can you track that IP address?" Matthew asked. Kiku looked to where he pointed and nodded. "Yes, I can actually....." he started. He began to focus on it carefully and type some things in. "Okay... Luckily they haven't realized I'm tracking them yet but this is the address that popped up," Kiku explained.

"Is there a way for you to delete that you were there? That way, they don't see us?" Alfred asked. Kiku looked like he had been nervously sweating. He nodded at him and began to delete the traces of him being there.

He quickly wrote something down on a piece of paper and showed us. "Okay..... phew..... that's the address attached to the IP... I'm sorry I couldn't do more," he said sadly. "Are you kidding, dude?! You literally did the police jobs! I could kiss you," Alfred cheered.

Matthew rolled his eyes, and I laughed seeing how embarrassed Kiku had gotten. "Well...is there anything you need help with? I would like to help you find him," Kiku asked. "Well... I'm assuming we should all go to this address quickly. Just in case the person realizes anything... The element of surprise," Matthew spoke.

I looked at the address and then suddenly realized something. "Guys! Look at it! This street! It is the next street over... from behind us!" I looked at it carefully, and I felt shivers go down my spine. Alfred looked at the paper, and something snapped in him too. "This is the house behind this one," he spoke.

"Wait... Shouldn't we not talk about this now? Doesn't the person still have access to the camera?" Matthew asked worriedly. "Yes, but they don't get any sound... To them, it just looks like we've been talking for a couple of hours," Kiku explained. "Well, that's a relief, I would have pissed myself," Alfred spoke.

"Okay!! So has Arthur really just been behind his own house all along? If that's the case, we should go now!!" I spoke. "Yes... And no..... if this guy could hack into his camera, there is a chance he has cameras over there. Am I the only sane one by saying we should go to the police?" Alfred said again.

"No, you aren't...... this guy sounds crazy," Matthew spoke. Crazy guy?... kind of like...

"Hey! Speaking of crazy guys... The night I last saw Arthur, we saw something about a crazy guy in the newspaper," I spoke. I began to look through the paper on the table and finally found the newspaper. I began to flip through it quickly, and I immediately showed them.

"This person!!" I spoke. They all looked at the paper, and I began to read what it said.

"Beware of the midnight killer... An unknown suspect has been stalking victims in their homes..... one witness spoke about how they saw a shadow figure outside their home multiple times, missing items and things being misplaced......appliances destroyed......most of the known victims have been homebodies, male, and live alone...."

I finished skimming the article and reading it aloud, and everyone looked terrified. "I don't want to be that person... But this guy is called a killer for a reason! Should we really try taking things into our own hands?" Alfred said, shaking.

"Is it bad that I don't want to listen to you... and I'm going to go in that house anyways?" I admitted. "Ain't no way!" Alfred said, horrified. "Well, I'm not going to let you go by yourself," Matthew said. "I'm not much of a fighter, but maybe I can cause a distraction," he added.

"I'll go with you too; maybe I can get the cameras to stop recording for even a minute or two," Kiku said seriously. "What?! All of you sound crazy right now! I'm not supposed to be the insane one!!" Alfred said, horrified.

"Look, I know this situation is terrible... The guy is a literal serial killer, but Arthur is in there. He needs our help... This is a matter of life or death and I can't sit back knowing that he is stuck one hundred feet away from us," I spoke seriously. Alfred took a deep breath and tiredly rubbed his eyes.

"FINE... FINE!! I'll go too... But if this goes south, I won't be happy... In fact... all of you owe me big time after this!" he said. Matthew smiled at him and began to shake him happily.

"So.....what's the plan?" He asked.

"Ummmm....... How about we start with what Kiku said? He said he could take down the cameras for a minute or two, which will give us enough time to sneak inside," I explained. "Well, that won't end well .... We need a distraction..." Alfred said, stressed.

I wouldn't know what we would do to distract the person. "I got it!" Matthew cheered. We all looked at him, and he smiled at Alfred. "Why are you looking at me?" Alfred spoke, terrified. "Okay! Everyone!! Hear me out on this!" Matthew cheered. "I will not be hearing any of you out!!" Alfred cried.

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