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The same song kept playing until the next day. It was like I was going crazy listening to it. Today I was supposed to meet Francis... He will know it's weird I didn't show up. "Here! Eat this ..... I can't have you dying on me just yet," the man spoke. He tried to feed me food but I refused. I spit it out and used my head to knock over the plate. "I'd rather die!" I yelled.

The man slapped me across the face and grabbed onto my hair tightly. It hurt like hell but I was defenseless like this. "Listen to me you little piece of shit!!! I don't give a fuck if you want to eat or not! You will die here sooner and that won't be any good to me! Do you understand? NOW EAT!" He yelled. I spit some blood out of my mouth and looked at him exhausted "no!"

He walked over to the thermostat on the wall and I could tell he was dropping the temperature. I knew that this man would put everything he had into torturing me... I didn't want it to happen, but I knew I had to endure it... at least until I'm found... If I'm found. "Good luck freezing today," he looked at me. My stomach felt sick and it was like I was going to pass out from being so overwhelmed by everything that was happening to me.

He walked over to me, took off my pants, and unbuttoned my shirt. To take off my pants, he had to untie my leg, so I used this to my advantage.

I kicked him in the face and he held onto his nose in pain. "FUCK YOU!" I yelled. I saw how blood was gushing from his nose and he quickly got up. "You stupid bitch!" He yelled. The man grabbed my leg, and I started to freak out.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.

The tears fell from my eyes, and I squinted them back. The pain rushed through my body, and I tried to move around to get loose. It was the worst pain I had ever felt in my entire life.

He just broke my leg, and I was in intense pain. I felt tears fall from my eyes and saw how he began to take my pants off aggressively.

He tied my legs down again, and he looked at me as he wiped the blood from his face. "Just because of that, I should kill your lover boy in front of you," he hissed.

He walked over to the table behind him, and I saw a bunch of instruments on them. When I say that... it was a torture tool. I saw him pick up a knife and he began to walk back toward me.

"I want so badly to stab you in the heart," he spoke. He put the knife against my chest and began to rub it all over my chest. He slowly dug the knife into my chest, and I winced in pain.

"But I won't... Not yet..." he smiled at me. He put the knife down on the table again and looked at me. "Let's see how much you can take," he laughed.

The music was all I could hear.

As he beat me over and over again.

Blood was falling out of my mouth, and I was worried he was going to take a tooth out.


After using me as his personal punching bag, he pulled onto my hair and forced me to look at him. "You are nothing..... and you are going to die here... Matthew will be here soon, though..... not Francis," he said in a mocking way.

He opened up the bag he brought down with him and pulled a chair in front of me. The man took a seat in front of me and began to take out a laptop. "Look at this; it's hilarious," he laughed.

He turned the laptop to show me, and it was Francis outside my door. "You had access to my cameras this whole time?" I asked angrily. He smiled and nodded and continued to show me, Francis.

He had flowers in his hands and was knocking on my house door, worried. It made me start to cry, and I wanted to scream. "Awww boo hooo boo hoo," the man mocked me.

I continued to cry as Francis walked around the house, trying to look through the window. He didn't know where I was... and neither did I.

The man suddenly shut the laptop and smiled at me. "It wasn't hard to lure you outside... I wonder if Matthew is as stupid as you. We will find out maybe tomorrow. I think he might fall for the injured man trope," he laughed.

"Please don't hurt him.... He.... He is a good person.... He doesn't deserve any of this. Alfred, he will be so heartbroken," I begged. He just continued to laugh at me. "Please.... Don't do this to him.... You can have me... only me, please," I cried.

The man stood up from his chair and shook his head at me. "I'm sorry... but that isn't enough," he spoke. My eyes widened looking, and he smiled at me with that horrid smile.

This man was pure evil.

He turned away from me and began to gather his things to leave... Leaving the song on a continuance loop that I couldn't escape.

"What a wonderful world..... yes... I think to myself... What a wonderful world..." I started singing sadly.

"You are such a fool," the man spoke before finally leaving the room.

I looked down at my leg, and it was purple... I needed a hospital, but I knew I would not get that at all.

I felt tears fall from my eyes as I thought about Francis. He probably thinks I stood him up or something. I didn't want to die here... But I knew that I might....very soon.

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