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"Well... we have to go to the police with this," Alfred spoke, closing the laptop. "He already went to the police," Matthew pointed out. "Well, there is evidence now... This is bigger than we thought. We just saw him get abducted! Not to be the downer but we don't know what that person is capable of," Alfred spoke. He was right... We had to show the police this evidence.

"Francis told us they didn't do anything, they'd get mad at us for going through his stuff! This is technically a crime scene now. We can get in lots of trouble, probably blamed too!" Matthew said, worried.

"Well, you might be right, but .... This person... Who could it be? Arthur only talked to a few people. He stayed off social media, and he hardly went out," Alfred explained. "They would think one of us did it," Matthew added. "Mostly Francis too, he was the last person to see him, and they might say there is the motive because he has feelings for him! They would say that he got rejected and angry," Matthew added again.

That freaked me out way more.

"Wait! Alfred doesn't your friend work for the city? In tech? What if he could get access to cameras too, and we can get a license plate and try to find this person!" I said, hopeful. "Kiku? Hmmm, I guess he could help... Let me call him," Alfred spoke.

Alfred walked away from us and began to call his friend. I felt really scared watching that footage.

"He says he is on his way," Alfred spoke. "Oh, so he said he'd help? Thank god!!" I said, worried. I sat back on the sofa and began to think about Arthur again. He may give attitude and act tough, but I know deep down he is probably freaked out.

Arthur and I were laying beside each other, on our sides, and faced one another as we lay on his bed. "Francis, do you want a family?" He asked. "Yeah I think so..... but with me being a raging homosexual... probably won't happen," I laughed. "You are such an idiot! You just ruined this moment," Arthur glared at me. "We were having a moment?" I smiled at him.

I put a hand on his cheek and softly caressed it. I pulled myself closer to him and rested my head near his chest. We were really close for people who were just "friends."

"What about you? Do you want kids?" I asked. "Huh..... yeah..... maybe one day, I guess I'm still pretty young," he spoke softly. "Do you want a boy or a girl?" I asked him. He looked up to the ceiling, and a smile began to form. "I think I want two girls..... they would be so cute, I just know it," he smiled.

"You will have kids one day; I just know it."
"Yeah...... it's because I, too, am a raging homosexual," he laughed. He began to pull me closer to him, and he held me super close. I knew for a fact that I was going to marry this man one day.

"There's always adoption," I added. "Yeah... you are right," he smiled. He continued to hold me tightly, and I couldn't breathe. "Ayo? You are going to kill me!" I said. I began to move around, but he continued to hold me tightly. "Francis, just stay like this with me, please," he spoke sweetly.

My eyes widened at what he said, and I began to let him squeeze me very hard. "Thank you for this," he whispered to me. I wrapped my arms around him and began to hold him close.


Thinking back, I had so many opportunities to tell him how I felt. Maybe I took so long because I thought I had all the time in the world. I've never regretted doing something so much in my life... Not as much as I regret not doing anything right now. I hate myself! I should have told him! It might not have made a difference, but maybe Arthur would have stayed with me that night. Or maybe I would have stayed with him.

Maybe we would have moved in together, and I could have been there for him. I know it isn't my fault, but just confessing to him would have changed a lot of things. I'm so stupid! I'll hate myself forever if he isn't safe.

I looked at Alfred and Matthew talking to each other, but I couldn't even hear anything they were saying. I felt like I was in shock. I was staring off into space and felt myself begin to numb.

After some time, there was a sudden knock on the door. All three of us looked, and Alfred immediately walked over to the door and opened it. "We are so sorry about this! But thank you for agreeing to this," Alfred apologized. Kiku walked into the house with a computer and some other things.

"Okay, explain to me what happened again?" He asked. "It's Arthur, he has been missing for two days, and we saw his cameras pick up what happened. Some strange person abducted him, and we want to know if there is a way to track the car?" Alfred answered.

"What? Arthur is missing?" His eyes widened, and Kiku looked like he didn't know what to say about the situation. I'm sure all of it seemed crazy to him, but he looked determined to help us out, especially since he and Arthur were also friends.

"Okay then..... uhhhhhhh can I see the footage?" Kiku asked nervously. He looked at Alfred, a little confused as to why he looked like Arthur, but he tried to ignore it.

Alfred grabbed the laptop and began to show Kiku the footage that was picked up. It was honestly scary to watch again but I know Kiku was the perfect person to help us figure this out.

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