Chapter 2: The Lawyer and Detective

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"Well, you're late" Leora said, as Dick walked into the Commissioner's office.

"* rolls eyes * Well from your standards, everyone's late" Dick remarked.

"Eh" Leora said with a shrug.

"* sigh * What did you call us for, Commish?" Dick asked.

"There have been a few murders happening in the last 2 weeks. I had assigned another detective to investigate this case but-" before the commissioner could finish, Leora took over.

"But they never made it out. Before you ask, yes, I have gone to the hospital morgue and it is a blade wound, ostensibly at least" Leora said the last part in a whisper, which would have been missed if Dick didn't pay attention.

"Did they manage to get the blade?" Dick asked, maybe if he looked at the blade properly, he might be able to see which villain targeted them.

"* nods * They managed to keep the blade but you will have to go to the hospital to retrieve it" Commissioner Gordon said.

"So, how many murders have occurred so far?" Leora asked. Dick understood what she was trying to do and quickly nodded a yes.

"* sigh * 4 so far. Miss Mandalin Yael, the CEO of the Yael company, murdered about 12 days ago. Mr. Oliver Owens, another CEO of his company, murdered at least 2 days later. Next is Mr. Quintin Upperhill-"

"Wait since when was Upperhill dead?" Leora asked, interrupting the Commissioner.

"You would know if you let me finish first, Leora" Gordon said

Leora, after realizing what she did, just held her head in embarrassment, which lead to Dick shaking his head with a small smile, and let the Commissioner finish giving them the information file.

"* clears throat * Upperhill was murdered the day after Owens' body was reported and lastly Victoria Reeds, another CEO of her company, was murdered just yesterday."

Once the Commissioner finished, the lawyer and the detective both started thinking about possible suspects.

"And suspects?" the two said at once.

"The suspects were interrogated but we didn't get anything useful"

Once Gordon said this, the two immediately had the same thought. They turned to each other and with a nod Leora asked

"Could we interrogate them?"

"* sigh * There is one person who isn't willing to speak. I'll take you to them" although Gordon leads them with a sigh, something told the star investigators that he somehow expected them to ask that question.

The trio made their way to the investigation room to find a woman who seemed to be in a state of shock and a kid in the side lines who looked to be in about the same if not worse state than the woman in the interrogation room.

"Well, I will be in my office. If you two need anything, just let me know" with that Gordon left. Leaving the two to decide who would go first.

"How about you go and interrogate the woman first, Officer Grayson" Leora said

"I thought you wanted to go first?" Dick asked, confused at her statement.

"I know but I have a feeling it will be better if you go first so I will know if she might attack any of us" Leora said in a calm manner.

"Oh! So, what? You're just gonna let me die there?" Dick said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"* rolls eyes* That won't happen. Besides you are skilled enough to handle it"

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