Chapter 12: An Unforeseen Alliance

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"Didn't know you two had a sweet tooth" Tim commented at the now embarrassed Robyn and the surprisingly cheery Sparrow

"Sweets are not my thing, good sir" Robyn said, her embarrassment still showing with her only wearing her domino mask as the others giggled

"What were you two doing at the shipments before?" Bruce said, trying not to show aggression at the two anti-heroes

"Investigation" Robyn said blandy, now recovering from her embarrassment

"Last I checked, you two belong in Arkham, not in serious cases" Bruce said, his face morphing into one of anger at the brown coated woman's response. Were they just here to hinder them like last time?

"Well, it is either this or we were going to rob a bank so, I think you should be thanking us instead for helping you" Sparrow remarks, covering for her sister

"Why should we be thanking you? All you did was fight us" Damian says, his expression similar to his father's

"We wouldn't have fought if you hadn't shot at us first" Robyn said, holding the previously thrown batarange

"How about we just calm down and talk about this?" Dick said, standing between the four from fighting

"If I did, I feel as though I would rather die in a ditch" Robyn said bluntly, not caring if a child was in front of her, after all, surly he had witnessed worse wearing the mantle of robin, right?

"Glad the feeling's mutual" Tim remarked, leaning at the wall

"Why don't you just get along?" Jason asked, shocking his brothers with his attempt to stop an upcoming fight

"You have no say in this Red Helmet, you literally live with them" Robyn said with her stoic face

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that" Jason muttered under his breath

"WAIT YOU KNOW EACH OTHER!?" Tim, Stephanie and Dick exclaimed

"We've worked on occasions but that is not the point. The point is that we were supposed to investigate the crime scene and were unable to because of your stupidity" Robyn said, her voice now devoid of emotion. It almost reminded Jason of Batman or Damian.....almost

"Well, how was I supposed to know you were trying to investigate the case too!?" Jason exclaimed

"Wait, you guys were investigating it too?" Sparrow said, now paying attention to the quarrel infront of her

"It was obvious, the bats don't show up without a good enough reason" Robyn said, now putting her attention towards Sparrow

"Not all of us are geniuses, L-Robyn!" Sparrow said, covering up her almost slip up

"Correction, I don't have an IQ of 130 or 140, therefore meaning that I am not a genius, you are just an idiot" Robyn said, slightly confused on why her sister was comparing her to someone she was not

"Whatever IQ you have, I would suggest you two surrender before things become violent" Bruce said, ready to knock the two out

"Surrender isn't a word in our dictionary, Mr.Wayne" Robyn snarked, crossing her arms

"Then get a new dictionary" Tim snarked back, mimicking the same pose as Robyn

"How about a deal then?" Dick suggested, with Cass nodding beside him

"What deal?" Sparrow said, suspicious on what the offer might be

"What if we all work together for this case. And then after this we can go back to our usuals"

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