Chapter 3: Mind of the unpredictable

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This was the first thing Dick heard after he came to the manor. He was surprised to see that not only was Jason still in the manor but was basically begging Bruce for...something?

"What is going on right now?" Dick asked, prompting everyone in the manor to look at him

"Dickie Bird! Can you please convince Bruce that my idea is great" Jason insisted?

"* raises eyebrow * what idea?" Dick asked, confused as to why his brother was acting this way.

"Apparently Todd wants Father to hold a gala for the younger Fermont's birthday" Damian said, irritated at the fact that he has to witness this.

"Yeah. I tried convincing him that there wasn't a gala where Miss Leora ever attended, let alone a gala on her birthday" Tim said in agreement

"Plus, I asked Dad if Fermont could get a day off and knowing her, she will find a way to work even when she is on leave" Barbara said, butting into their conversation.

"I hate to say it but they are right Jason, I met up with Leora after work and she said it herself that she wouldn't be celebrating it" Dick said trying to convince Jason.

"But seriously have you tried asking her?" Jason asked persistently.

"You should listen to Master Dick, Master Jason" Alfred said, passing them.

"You won't give up, will you?" Dick said, already tired from what happened earlier today. In response, Jason nodded.

"* sigh * I'm so dead" Dick said, having given up in convincing him.


Leora reached her apartment door to see that it had already been opened. Her body still filled with adrenaline from before she slowly opened the door to see her sister, Amara, watching the TV while eating popcorn.

"Shouldn't her highness be in her palace rather than a peasant's house?"

Once Leora said this, Amara quickly turned around and threw a piece of popcorn at Leora, which she dodged with ease.

"* sigh * Do you seriously have a habit of giving people a heart attack or what?" Amara said, letting her heart relax after that adrenaline rush.

"Eh, you should be more cautious. Anyway, what are you doing here?" Leora asked, still confused at her sister's surprise visit.

"Your birthday is coming soon. I just wanted to be the first one to wish my sweet little sister a happy birthday" Amara said with a shrug and moved to give Leora some place to sit down.

Rolling her eyes, Leora sat down on the couch with her sister. After some given time, her phone started ringing, leaving a puzzled look on both their faces. With a cautious look, Leora took her phone to see that Dick had called her. With a frustrated sigh, she received the call.

"I've already told you, Grayson, I'm not gonna be celebrating my birthday"

Once Leora said this, she heard a lot of noise in the background. One of them was 'wow she really started talking like demon spawn' a voice she somewhat recognized but couldn't point out who it could be. Another was 'I told you, Jason' another voice she couldn't point out but the name left her dumfounded for a moment before she started focusing again.

"* sigh * I know but, maybe you could consider it?" Dick said, his voice laced with hesitation. From the distance of his voice, it was clear the phone was on speaker which prompted her to put her phone on speaker to let Amara quench her curiosity.

"No, I don't think I will" Leora said, her sister in the side-lines trying not to laugh.

"Well, then can I ask you a riddle?" Dick asked, and from the looks of it, confusing more people than just her.

"I guess, sure" the moment she said this, she knew she would regret it immediately.

"I shave every day, but my beard stays the same. What am I?" Dick asked, the question seemingly familiar to Leora and Amara caught on to what he was doing and tried stopping herself from laughing.

"What does?"

"Oh no, you are guessing it" As Dick said this, Amara's laughter nearly escaped leading Leora to give her a glare that didn't prove to be as efficient as it usually would.

"Shaving foam?"

"No" Once Leora heard the way he said it, she knew he was smirking.


"No, since when did clouds shave?"

"Fireworks, Fire, Bombs, a Goat!?" Leora said desperately trying to escape her misery. She could hear the laughter in the background of the call.

"No, no, no and nope" hearing this, Leora tried asking Amara but just from what she was doing, Leora knew she wouldn't give her an answer.

"Alright, I'm blank"

"You want the answer?"

"YES!?" Leora said, knowing her curiosity wouldn't let her sleep later.

"It's a barber. I really expected you to get this"

"......." Leora was now mad

"Leora?" Dick asked, now getting a bit worried.

"B for Barber, B for Bruh and B for I'M BURRYING YOU 10 FEET INTO THE GROUND! GRAYSON!" Once Leora finished her outburst, all laughter escaped while Dick was now worried for his life.

"Well, you're mad" Dick said, trying to calm the situation.

"Oh, however could you tell, my dear old friend. Whatever did give you that idea!? HUH!?" Leora said, her voice filled with annoyance.

"You aren't mentally stable." Dick tried again, earning another fit of giggles escaping from everyone except the two.

"I'm an emotionally deprived young adult with self-esteem issues, sleep deprivation problem and who makes jokes about suicide and death and maybe a few crimes. DO YE THINK I'M MENTALLY STABLE!?" Leora said, leading to more fits of giggles from both perspectives.

"W-Well then uh think about it then, Hehe" Dick laughed nervously.

"Well then, I hope you sleep with one of your eyes open, Grayson. I will make sure that your name is entered into the murdered list" Leora said with a mischievous smirk and frowned eyebrows on her face.

"Uh-h alright, good night"

"Good night, sleep tight and I hope your bed bugs bite-" As Leora said this, she heard the phone call end abruptly which led Amara to start laughing while Leora was just wheezing at what just happened.

"Well, that happened" Amara said, after she calmed from her laughing fit.

"It seems to be so" Leora said, letting the smile rest on her face.

"Man, I haven't laughed like that in a long time."

Leora hummed a nod and went to her door to see a letter sent to her address.

"Maybe, you should celebrate your birthday with the Waynes" As Amara said this, Leora opened the letter to see that it was a letter inviting her to the Waynes gala for her birthday.

"Maybe, but people will be there." Leora said, attempting to make an excuse.

"Come on, what is the worse that could happen" Hearing this sentence, Leora knew what the worse could happen. But this was also a good way to bait the murderer into her trap. With that she finally decided.

"Eh, sure. I suppose it won't be that bad" Leora said, prompting her sister to nearly choke on the popcorn.

"* coughs * Seriously!? You finally agreeing to go to a gala. It only took like what nearly 6 years!?" Amara said in shock.

"Umm hmm, think of it as a change of heart, if you will" Leora said, letting a smirk sit on her face.


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