Chapter 19: Frustrations

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"The explosion left the orphanage destroyed; that's $40,000 dollars' worth of property damage. 15 construction workers with minor wounds, 3 with major wounds and 4 deaths"

Leora closed her hands into fists as the commissioner listed off the crimes that occurred because of her. Her mind silently grieving at the amount of people she harmed while her face was left with a cold emotionless frown

"Considering that now you have involved yourself in this case, you will be placed under house arrest until the case is solved and your innocence is proven" As the commissioner concluded his statement, Leora's eyes widen as she looks back at the stone-faced commissioner

"Sir, please, I need to finish this case. I might have a lead-"

"No. you have already done enough damage to our previous evidence. You will be put under house arrest while Langston continues to investigate this case"


"She will hear her punishment after the investigation is over, Fermont. She is the only other officer helping us investigate this case, Grayson will be with you to keep watch. The GCPD already lacks in efficient manpower and with your........recent stunt, it isn't as effective as it could have been" Gordon said in a cold manner. Whether he meant it to protect her or to prove how much of an inconvenience she was, no one knew

"But sir-"

"I won't have any excuses, Fermont. I do hope you know how to follow orders"

".... yes sir" Leora hated this feeling. Doing something bad but not being able to justify it

With the thick silence looming in the air, Leora walked out the door back to the manor with her head low.

'Not even a week and everything starts falling apart' Leora thought as she drove closer to the manor

'First Miss Mandalin Yael, then Mr. Oliver Owens, Mr. Quintin Upperhill, Victoria Reeds. And even Olivia Yael didn't survive to be called valid evidence'

The gates came closer to view as Leora then parked the car.

'The only one who could even give me any explanation would be Mrs. Winchester. But that would mean being seen outside'

Leora walked inside the manor to see everyone surrounding the living room playing board games while Leora just walked up to the dining table and took a seat, holding her head and letting herself think

'Amara is upset with Jason, the only evidence I could possibly have is gone, I'm under house arrest, Grayson is trapped with me, I have to give an explanation as to why Robyn hood disappeared for a short period of time, find a way to make sure they don't get involved into this mess-'

"Leoraaaaa" Stephanie waved her hand in front of Leora's face as she blinked at the scene in front of her

"Hmm" Leora said, letting her eyes adjust to the light and the scene

"So, what happened?" Tim asked, getting slightly nervous at the cold faced woman

"* sigh * Apparently, I'm under house arrest and Grayson must watch me. Meaning I have no reliable source of info as to what is happening back there nor do I have a clue on what I should do now"

"Tt, you shouldn't have pulled that stunt in the first place, Fermont" Damian said, crossing his arms making the already stressed Leora frustrated

"I needed to make the enemy see me as the threat. I needed to send a message if I could get anything done" Leora closed her eyes, as if she was questioning herself of her own decisions

"But was it necessary?" Bruce asked, although, it seemed as if he too was doubting her plans

"No. And that's the problem.... I will be in my room and don't bother calling me for dinner." Leora swiftly left for her room, not even bothering to acknowledge her sister descending the stairs, already having heard the entire conversation

"You think we over did it?" Jason asked, finally talking after standing there for the entire conversation

"Not really." Amara said, taking a seat in one of the other less crowded chairs

"What do you mean?" Stephanie asked, getting worried for the woman

"What I mean is, she didn't plan on making so many damages....except for maybe property damages but other than that, she wanted to get it done clean"

"Why do you think she just left?" Dick asked, not really used to the emotional Leora

"I don't know really. I doubt anybody does at this point"


Leora locked the door to her room and slumped on her bed holding her forehead

'Nearly a weeks' worth of work gone to waste.'

"* groans * Am I really that unlikeable that even fate doesn't want me to succeed?" Leora then got up from her bed and headed to her cluttered desk

"There is only so much a vigilante can do about this case, let alone be given permission to investigate this shit" Leora said as she looked around to find her notepad

'I know I've kept it somewhere'

Once the notepad was found, she then started to draw in it. Her mind was absorbed into her activity that her mind almost felt lighter....... Almost at peace

Once her drawing was done, she then kept the notepad near her night stand and then tried to see if she had anything she could use. After some time, she gave up and sat on her bed, closed her eyes and cried

Every emotion she held back in the name of the case, in the name of professionalism, in the name of being strong. All of them came pouring out in the tears of desperation. Leora's hand tried to reach for a pillow to hold but she held herself back and just let the tears flow while she wiped them with her napkin

'Why did I even do this? I should have just listened and stopped'

Leora looked at the closed window, the gaps showing a nearly set sun.

'Maybe I could just- No. I still haven't done anything good yet. Now is not my time to die....... Not yet'

Shaking her head, Leora looked through some reports she had lying around.

'I can't believe I'm crying over something this stupid- ok nope. I need to distract myself. I still have so much to do'

Leora went over to wash her face and came back to drink some water. After calming herself down, she quickly got ready to meet with the bats

"you know, the first time I was in this room I was just a kid who didn't like the darkness and just wanted someone to care.......once you realize that no one will ever care for you....that no one will stay with you for long really start appreciating that darkness a lot more......maybe I wasn't meant to be...'here'....maybe I should have died with 'them' a long time ago.... maybe... you were right then..."

'The first part of my exams are over! yay!.....2 weeks later and part 2 begins...yay..... also I'm bored so have a chapter. Agent R sighin' off'

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