Chapter 10: The Rising Tensions

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"I welcome everyone to today's gala"

Leora went back into the manor to witness Bruce Wayne on top of the staircase making an announcement. Leora looked at her watch, it was almost time.

"This gala is held to celebrate Miss Leora Fermont finally attending one of our gala's" the statement prompted the crowd to chuckle as Leora just stood near the table with a blank expression

"Not only that but it is also to celebrate Miss Leora's 20th birthday. Now I will let my eldest son, Dick Grayson, take over the speech" Bruce exited as Dick walked forward to talk as Amara walked towards Leora

"You seem serious" Amara commented at her stone-faced sister as she leaned against a pillar

"I need you to keep watch from the top" Leora said, her eyes still on the Waynes as they spoke

"What do you mean?" Amara was confused, the gala went on almost perfectly as far as she knew. So, why did it need to be watched

" me here" Leora persisted.

Reluctantly, Amara left as Leora kept a keen eye everywhere as she analysed her surroundings

"So, I think we all know how stubborn Leora gets when it comes to attending galas" The start of Dick's speech prompted the crowd to laugh while Leora held a small smile as she shook her head

"Well, today is our lucky day as we get to see Leora finally celebrate her birthday with not only the Waynes but everyone present here. On behalf of everyone I wish Leora a-"

Before Dick could finish his speech, gunshots broke out as everyone in the crowd started panicking

"GRAYSON EVACUATE THE AREA, NOW!" Leora commanded as she ran towards Dick

"You knew this would happen!?" Dick exclaimed

"Not the time to question my decisions, just follow the orders" As Leora said this, the Waynes stood there looking as Leora took charge of the situation

"EVERYONE, EVACUATE THE BUILDING NOW!" As this was announced, the crowd started to empty outside in a rush as Leora stood back

"Grayson, take your family outside too. I will be right behind" Leora commanded

"That usually means you won't be right behind" Dick commented, ignoring her command

"I don't care what you think right now. Your family doesn't have the training to survive and even if they did, it will cause a lot of suspicion so if you still want them to keep their reputation then LEAVE NOW!"

Without wasting more time, Dick quickly made the Waynes follow him as he left for the door. As Leora saw this, she was attacked by none other than Talon causing her to dodge and move back

"So, we meet again, Talon" As Leora said this, Talon narrowed his eyes confirming her suspicion. As he was about to attack her, Sparrow jumped down, knocking Talon a few steps back

"You do have a knack for getting in trouble" Sparrow said, readying her bow to shoot

"It runs in the family"

It wasn't long before Talon and Sparrow started exchanging blows with Talon using his swords to attack while Sparrow blocked them with her unloaded bow.

While this happened, Leora quickly ran around to see if everyone was evacuated only to find a family huddled under the table

"Come on, we need to get you guys out of here" Leora made sure to make the lot hold hands as she led them to the door. Soon after they were evacuated, Sparrow was thrown across, making her land on the ground.

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