Chapter 24: Operation Amara (Part 1)

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Jason POV:

I yawned before stretching my arms. A new day, and another chance to be a bad friend... Great.

I mentally groaned before getting off the bed and got ready. As I made my way to the dining table, I saw Leora was hiding behind a wall as she tried to spy on Alfred.

I shrugged before tapping her shoulder from the back, "You're still trying to play spy, shorty?"

Leora turned swiftly before sighing as she shook her head, "Nope, Your older brother outed me on Alfred apparently so I thought I'd try to figure out how much the old man knew. Safe to say, I'm amazed how subtly sneaky he is"

I chuckled softly before nodding, "That's Alfred for ya, the only person you should be afraid of" I said with a bit of pride in my tone.

Leora shook her head before smiling, "So he's the guy that parented you? No wonder you learnt how to cook. The one time I let Richard stay at my apartment for a case, he burnt down the kitchen while cooking toast"

I held my stomach as I let out a hearty laugh as Leora chuckled with me, "Man, He did that? That has to be the best worst fail I've seen. Bruce has a lifetime ban from the kitchen"

Leora raised her eyebrow, "Lifetime ban? What did your adoptive father set water on fire?"

I gave her a deadpanned look as she just mutters, "Oh gods, he actually did!? Are you being serious!?"

I nod, "Alfred was in England visiting his family when that happened. I was still Red Hood-ing it in Roy's apartment when Steph told me about it"

"Huh, Harper is still friends with you? I guess you weren't wrong when you said you guys were best friends back when you were still Robin" Leora said with an odd look in her eyes I couldn't place.

"Well, he was the only one who'd bother listening to what I had to say. He and the Outlaws helped me a lot" I said with a shrug.

"Interesting... So hypothetically, if Roy wasn't the one dealing with your crap, you would have been another rouge I would be putting in jail?" Leora's accusation was unexpected as I felt my jaw clench.

"You never know, I could have been better"

"Arguable claim, Jayjay. I saw the news about you luring out Joker and shooting a rocket at Black Mask when he was in his office. If I know anything about you that wouldn't change, is that your anger is a double-edged sword."

I quickly pressed Leora against the wall as I choked her. She grabbed my hand while gasping for air, "*gasp* I-I'd prefer n-not being one o-of your victims- *gasp* Idiot."

My eyes widened as I let go of Leora's neck as she slid down to the floor and coughed, holding her now red neck before talking in a raspy voice, "And you just proved my point"

I quickly shook my head before offering a hand to Leora, "Well, you just have a talent for pissing people off"

Leora looked at my hand and then back at me, holding a skeptical look, "And how do I know this isn't your next death trap?"

I rolled my eyes before pulling her up myself, "Did that feel like a death trap?" I retorted

Leora coughed again before shaking her head, "You never know. I've fallen for the nice guy trap a few times during my career as a detective"

I looked at Leora confused, "Aren't you a lawyer?"

Leora chuckled, "Well, now I am. But remember when I was a kid, I said I wanted to be a detective?"

I nodded, reminiscing the memory still somehow fresh in my mind.

Leora nods back, "Well, I was the youngest detective in the GCPD... well, a junior for 3 years. I left the force after a case. That's when I learnt I wanted to have some sort of control over where the criminals went rather than just catching them"

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