Chapter 15: Best of Wishes...

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I kept running as a shadow with a maniacal laugh followed. Every corner I turned, there always accompanied a body of my now dead friend. The floors blood red while I myself was covered in blood but not of my own.

I reached a corner as I stopped. I looked in the corners to see nothing but the blood-stained walls. I turn around to see a shadowed figure but the laugh was clear as day.

"Will you look at that!? There is my pretty little girl! You still haven't finished your job!?" The man said, the laugh never slowing as he made his way to me

"Let me help you here" as the man said this, I looked in my hands to see a gun in my grasp.

The man took a hold of my hands and pointed it at my sister who seemed scared of the, monsters in front of her eyes. As she tried running away, my fingers moved, pulling the trigger

"NO!" Leora woke up abruptly from her bed, her eyebrows frowned with her eyes already starting the waterworks as she looked down on her bed with closed eyes.

'It was all a dream....right?' Leora thought, now opening her eyes to see she was in her room. The events of yesterday were clear in her mind...the dark room, the fight, everything. Seeing that she was the only one here, Leora slowly laid down on her bed, her head aching from the sudden motion before

'If I am correct, the fear toxin might still be in my blood stream....either that or this is one of my yearly nightmares' Leora thought, staring at the roof above her head. Since her mind came to its usual restlessness, Leora got up from her bed to get ready for the day.

After she got ready, she looked at the clock to see it was still 4 in the morning. Leora sighed and went to her desk to finish some of her pending paperwork, her mind telling her she forgot something. An hour went by as she kept doing her work, that feeling of forgetfulness never leaving her mind. Giving up, she glances at the calendar on her phone to see a reminder

'Shoot, I forgot about Amara's 22nd birthday'

Although they weren't on speaking terms, Amara was still Leora's sister. There was nothing more important than family....or at least, that is what she was told. Leora quickly went to check her things to see if she had any backup gifts on her to give Amara. She was disappointed when she found that all the presents she had prepared were already used on Amara's previous birthdays.

Leora needed to think of something to give before she ran out of time. She looked around her room to see a plain and brand-new book, paint, and pencils. Her mind quickly thought of the perfect plan and she quickly began preparing her gift

"Why is the manor so quiet today?" Bruce asked as he got down the stairs to see everyone eating dinner but not a sound was made as they did so

"I believe it is because Miss Leora is still in her room, Master Bruce" Alfred said as he placed a plate for Bruce

"I'M HERE" Leora ran down the steps as she held the railing, covered in paint from head to toe, as she stood at the bottom of the stairs, huffing from the little marathon.

"Why are you covered in paint?" Tim asked

"Oh, I was making something and HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMARA!" Leora said, wearing a smile that reached her eyes

"Thanks" Amara replied, her mood slightly dull for some reason that Bruce didn't know. Amara continued to thank everyone as they wished her while Leora thought of what to do for today

"Say, Amara? Are you free today?" Leora asked, her eyes holding a spark as she did

"Not really, apparently, I have a meeting today. I tried to postpone it but apparently it is important" Amara said, her voice showing displeasure as she spoke

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