Chapter 29: Not So Easy...

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Leora's POV:

I groan as I get off the bed. I hold my injured arm, grumbling, "This mission is already starting to be a hassle and it's only in the first step....."

I was back at Wayne Manor, knowing I couldn't keep 'hiding' in my room without being suspicious. I walk to the bathroom and get the first aid kit, going back to the bed to change my bandages.

I cringe the moment I see my wound, being reminded of how easily Talon was able to attack me. I sigh, "maybe I should study their fighting styles.... Each Talon seems to be a little different from the rest"

I look at the clock and frown, "12 PM!?.... Why didn't Alfred wake me up?"

'Surely he-.... No. He doesn't know me enough to be able to figure out what I've been up to' I shake my head, sighing.

I stumble a little, grumbling, "I swear to gods, I'm never going into the fighting ring with a Talon after this...."

I make sure all my wounds are taken care of before putting the first aid back where it belongs. I sigh, 'For a bunch of people, they really didn't give me a lot of openings to deal any sort of damage on them.... Doesn't help that Langston has extra armor padding to make her appear as a man'

I limp a bit as I walk to the door, looking back at my bed to make sure everything's in place before opening the door.


I jump as I notice the loud voice in my ear. I groan, rubbing my ears as I glare at the person next to me, "A hello would have been better, you know"

Dick sighs, "Look, you haven't left your room for days and people were starting to worry. Plus, I asked the Commissioner if you could get out of your house arrest"

I raise my eyebrow, "You.... What? Grayson, I get that I'm supposed to be the attorney you work with but me being in house arrest is not gonna hinder you in any manner. Besides, I've specifically kept my distance so you guys can focus"

Dick shakes his head, looking at me with a serious expression, "Robyn, that's besides the point. The point is, that this case has been going on for months now. Not days, months. Both the GCPD and the rest of the Batfamily have only been looking around like headless chickens with barely any evidence"

I sigh, "You say that but you found a girl-"

"The girl is dead"

My head immediately darts to face Dick as I let the news settle in. "D- What!? How is she dead!?"

Dick sighs, "We thought that the girl was connected to the Court of Owls in some way and followed her. Apparently, her mother is an Ex-Court member and is currently living in Crime Alley. But the moment we came in, Talon killed her daughter right in front of our eyes. Now..... the woman is not willing to co-operate"

I remain silent, "I see..... How many casualties have you all and the GCPD faced while working on the case?"

Dick looks down, sighing again, "Honestly, a lot more than the casualties you caused when you blew up the building"

I sigh with him, ".......That's.... really not good." I shake my head, looking at him, "So, what's the Commissioner's verdict? Am I still stuck behind a wall or out there in the courtroom or crime scene?"

Dick looks back at me, "Well..... With Batman's suggestion to put you back into the investigation........"

I chuckle a bit, "Let me guess, I'm a part of the case again?"

Dick grins, "Told you I could convince anyone"

I roll my eyes, "You didn't convince me to come to my own birthday party"

"But you still did a few months ago" he counteracts.

I sigh, "Not the point but ok"

'This does make things a little difficult. I have to find a way to manage both of these situations effectively..... I can't let them suspect a thing" I think to myself, looking into the mirror one last time.

'I really should change the book cover.....'

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