Chapter 4

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In another part of the town, Willa guided Schaffel through the streets, where everything was eerily quiet.

Willa could hear no thoughts, no words, not even a whisper, meaning they were alone.

"Where are we going anyway?" Schaffel asked while looking around at the broken down buildings.

"To visit someone I know."

She continued down into a dark alley, and Schaffel gulped loudly. He barely knew her, why should he trust her? She could read his thoughts, and was clearly very powerful. Willa could hurt Schaffel. And after seeing the capability of the Nazis, Schaffel was debating whether or not to trust this girl. Could she be working with the Nazis?

"I have no connection to the Nazis." Willa said dryly. "Not anymore at least."

"Anymore?" Schaffel asked. 

Willa sighed in frustration. 

She didn't want to talk about this, even thinking about it made her teeth grind. "I was a patient at a facility up North." Will said, holding back her anger. "I was used by the Nazis, to do their dirty work." She bit her lip. "So––I ran away." Willa continued. "I want nothing to do with them."

Schaffel looked down, and played with his fingers. After seeing the pain filling her eyes, and face, he felt bad for even bringing up the question. 

Finally, Willa stopped at a random door. "Be quiet," she whispered. "Don't want to attract attention." 

She knocked, but there was no reply.

"otwórz drzwi!" Willa said, knocking louder. Open the door!

Finally the door opened and a man with black hair, dark eyes and a black curly beard opened the door.

"kto to?" He asked. Who is this?

She turned to look at Schaffel then turned back to face the man. "Obcy." she said. Alien.

The man opened the door widely, and guided us in.

He scrambled to his desk, and shuffled his papers. Sketches of brainwaves, data, and research lay across the desk and floor.

"Sorry for the mess," the man said, with a heavy Polish accent.

Schaffel sat on the sofa which seemed to have not been cleaned in years, while Willa stood to the side with her arms crossed.

The man then approached them, after cleaning the mess that was his desk. "It has been a very long time." He looked to Willa, standing in the corner. 

"You've grown a lot." He smiled awkwardly.

Willa rolled her eyes. "I'm not here for a friendly reunion." She said firmly.

Jan laughed awkwardly. "Do you guys want food?" He asked, "clothes are also in the back if you need them."

Willa glared at him, and Jan looked back at her. Finally, she groaned.

"Come on," Willa turned to Schaffel, and walked into the back room.

Willa changed into dark pants, and a brown jacket. Schaffel wore a plaid sweater, and dark jeans. 

After they changed, Schaffel sat on the couch again. His face lit up at the pile of food in front of him, and began to eat it.

"Who's the obcy?" Jan turned to Willa.

"Him," Willa pointed at Schaffel. "I'm not really sure who or what he is, it's nothing like I've ever seen before, myśli, że jest z innej planety..." He thinks he's from another planet.

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