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My eyes fluttered open, to a bright white light shining through my window. I wiped my eyes and sat up. 

I gasped when I glanced out the window. 

I watched as the intricately designed white flakes settled on the sill, and frost layered itself on the glass. It was snowing! 

I crawled across my bed, and rested my hand on the window, feeling the icy touch on my palm. I laughed at the tingly feeling that was left on my fingertips. 

I jumped out of bed, and grabbed my robe. Immediately sitting down at my desk, making my newest invention. A 'Klocce', where it measures time and you can know what time it is at any time of day. I was going to make it for my father, as he's always late for work. 

I stopped when I heard the sound of gunshots. 

"Mama? Papa?" I called quietly. 

I sprinted out of my room downstairs, and walked to the front door, noticing my father outside without his coat. I opened the door and stepped outside. "Papa? What are you doing?" 

"Son, get back inside!" My father said holding his hand out for me to back away. 

I looked to my left, noticing a man holding a gun and pointing it at my father. "Ubel, get back inside!" 

A pink dress caught my eye, and I looked down, noticing my mother on the ice cold snow, blood surrounding her body. 

My eyes widened and began to fill with tears. "Mama?"

"Fuso! Tell me where it is?!" The man screamed at my father.

"I don't know." He replied. "I haven't finished it. Making something of your request takes time sir!"

The man sighed, then shamelessly shot my father in the head. 

Everything stopped, like in slow-motion and I watched as my father fell to the ground dead. 

Tears streamed down my face, as I ran to my father. "Papa, Papa, Papa, no, no, no." I repeated over and over again. 

"Take him." The man said, as a large muscular man came and grabbed me. 

"NO!" I cried, kicking and screaming to get free. But they wouldn't let go. My powers hadn't fully developed yet, so I was powerless against him. 

Then, I was thrown into a black truck, where I couldn't see anything. 


I sat in a quiet room, with two of my friends, while we created a new invention for the German government. It was a 'Kimer' a clock that times you for minutes, and seconds. It's a play off of my invention from 6 years ago, the 'klocce.' Now called a 'clock.'

I stopped. 

That was when my parents were killed, and I was taken by the German government. I didn't know it at the time, but the Germans used my father's intelligence and forced him to come up with new inventions, which were used for WWI. Ever since they took me, they've done the same.

"Ubel? You okay?" My friend, Buzz asked, pulling me out of my daze.

"Yeah, one moment." I said, picking up a gold disk from a silver tray. 

I adjusted my glasses, carefully carrying the gold disk to the silver box, as my friends watched me eagerly. 

Finally, I put the disk in, adjusting its position. 


"Nice!" I high-fived my friends, laughing.

I felt happy when I was with my friends. They cared for me, and helped me for the past 6 years. They were my family, ever since I lost my real one.

Once, I was crying because I missed my father a few years ago, and Buzz came in and comforted me. I felt safe, and heard for once. The German officials never understood what I, or any of my friends were going through, so my friends and I helped each other instead. 

My smile dropped when a government official walked in. 

My friends and I gulped. 

The man walked in grabbing one of my friends, and dragging her out of the room. 

I sighed, and looked down. All of us knew what was going to happen to our friend, and what would happen when he will return. 

I gazed darkly at the door awaiting the return of my friend.

I hated humans. They've been using us for hundreds of years, and torturing us to do what they want. They are monsters; selfish, uncaring, and awful. 

I broke from my thoughts, when my friend was thrown back into the room. 

"Shut up! You stupid beast!" The man yelled at her, who was in tears. 

The German official slammed the door behind him, and all of us ran to my friend who was on the floor. 

Her face was bleeding, and her eyes were red with tears. 

"Where does it hurt?" Buzz asked. 

"Back." She replied shortly. 

My friend, Gania, she was younger than the rest of us and was brought here only months ago. This treatment was foreign to her. 

Buzz went to the other side of the room, and pulled out some alcohol and cloths. 

I tried to roll her over on her stomach, but she groaned with pain. 

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled. 

"It's okay," she smiled back at me, through her tears. 

Buzz came back with all of the tools, and lifted the back of her shirt. 

I almost vomited. 

The scratches were bloody, and some of the scars from the last punishments were reopened. 

"Okay, Gania, I'm going to apply some stuff on it. But it might hurt a little, alright?" Buzz said. 

She nodded, breathing heavily. 

I offered her my hand, and she took it immediately, squeezing it tightly. 

Buzz began to apply the alcohol, and she tried her best to hold in her scream. Gania squeezed my hand harder, hiding her face in my shoulder. 

Seeing my friends in pain was hurtful to me, I couldn't bear to see them like this, to be treated in this way. 

What did we do to deserve this? 

"Okay, we're done." Buzz said, cleaning up. 

Gania let go of my hand, and wiped away her tears. "Thank you." She said weakly, both to me, and Buzz. 

She stood up and walked over to one of the chairs and sat down. I stood up and sat beside her. "You okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine." She replied, leaning her head on my shoulder. 

I couldn't help the small blush that crept up to my cheeks. I smiled. 

Further in the hall, I could hear the German officials fighting, and arguing. My jaw clenched, and I glared at the door. 

Me, and every person in this facility hates the humans. 

Though they call us monsters, they are the true monsters. 

No one is born good or bad...you choose the side to act on. (I think that was from Harry Potter idk) LOL

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