Chapter 10

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Schaffel slept on the back of the Emperor, the slight breeze relaxed him, and the warm air made everything seem even more peaceful. 

Until he stuck his hands in his pocket, searching for his map. But all he could feel was fabric. 

He sat up alertly, and desperately searched.

Willa grew concerned, and stopped chewing her piece of bread. "What's wrong?" She said her voice muffled.

"The map, it's gone." Schaffel placed his hands on his face in panic. "It must have fallen out."

Willa looked around her, searching for it. "Those green things must have it now."

"They can't have it." Schaffel said his breathing growing heavy. 

If the Imods had the map, it would be a very bad. They could use it to find him and Willa and possibly for other purposes, that Schaffel doesn't even want to think about. 

All he knew is that the Imods can't have the map. 

"Then let's get the map back." Willa replied.
"It's not that simple, they're very powerful." Schaffel said. 

Willa sighed. "What are those things anyway?"

"They're Imods." Schaffel said.

"Are they from another planet too?"

Schaffel nodded. "Thousands of years ago they destroyed a planet called Cadmus. From what I remember in the story, no one survived it."

"Someone did though." Willa finished, she didn't need to read Schaffel's mind to figure out that one.

He nodded. "That survivor relative."

"When I was in my cell those things—the Imods—were talking." She took a deep breath in. 

Schaffel adjusted in his seat. "They want to kill the humans, and you seem to stand in their way, hence why they want to kill you."

Schaffel sighed hugging his knees to his chest. He knew that the Imods wanted to kill him. But what do they want with the humans? What have the humans done?

"I—don't know what to do..." Schaffel's voice broke, as he shoved his face into his knees. "They're already incredibly powerful, and they have the map—" he stopped, then sniffled. "Why me though?" Schaffel shrugged. "Why do I have to experience this pain?"

Willa lips formed into a thin line as she shuffled closer to him and sighed. She completely understood that feeling. She always questioned constantly when she was in Helsinki: of all people why am I the one in a facility? Why are the Jews being attacked, and killed? What made it more painful was that the questions didn't have answers. 

There is no reason.

 Willa started. "I don't know, there is no reason for it. But...though it hurts—a lot—taking on this pain," her mouth curled up into a slight grin. "—it makes us even stronger so that we can take on anything." she sighed. "You've been through a lot, so—you are a lot stronger than you think."

"I'm not strong." Schaffel mumbled.

Willa turned her head to face him and rolled her eyes irritated. "When you invaded that Nazi facility, with all the Imods who wanted to kill you inside, what you did in there was amazing, epic."

Schaffel raised his head showing his red and puffy eyes.

"So, no, you aren't weak." Willa raised her chin in sureness. Her eyes glimmered with confidence, and Schaffel smiled and looked down. "Thank you." 

Willa nodded, going back to eating her bread, staring out into the blue sky. 

Schaffel watched dark sky, and stars. Being on high up like this made the stars seem larger, and more clear. It was truly beautiful, and Schaffel couldn't tear his eyes away from it.

Suddenly, a strange gust of wind blew through his hair. Schaffel gulped, having that same strange feeling the day Willa was taken. He turned to Willa.

"Willa, something's wrong..." He whispered, nudging her until she was awake. "Willa!"

"What?!" Willa exclaimed in irritation.

Schaffel brought his finger to his lips. "Something feels weird." he whispered, listening attentively.

Willa's eyebrows furrowed, as she stopped and listened.

The silence disappeared once a major explosion came from below, bright orange filling both of Willa and Schaffel's eyes. Then, a powerful air current from the bomb blew Willa and Schaffel off the birds' back, sending them plummeting towards the earth.

"Schaffel!" Willa cried, trying to move toward him, despite the strong pressure of the wind on her face.

She finally reached him, and realized that he was unconscious. Willa grabbed his shoulders and shook him. "Schaffel?" He wouldn't awaken.

Willa wrapped her arms around his small body, and shut her eyes. As they both free-fell towards the earth below. Suddenly, something large swooped down underneath them and Willa landed on its back. 

She looked ahead alertly, and smiled when she saw that it was the purple bird. "Thanks." She said, as the bird nodded.

Sounds of planes came from behind them, and Willa turned to see. She couldn't tell what it was through all the fog, until she saw large dark figures with flaming red eyes, sitting on a strange saucer shaped ship. Willa ducked, as an arrow passed over her head.

Willa stood up in front of Schaffel protectively, raising her hands. She began to shake the large ship, as parts began to crumble. She breathed heavily, her stare dark and determined. Willa noticed her head hurting, but she ignored it.

Then, the ship began to sway side to side, causing the bombs underneath to release, triggering an explosion right under the flying saucer.

"Shit!" one of the Imods shouted, as the flames spread like wildfire across the ship.

Willa stopped, tired and exhausted. But once she pulled her hands away, the ship continued to sway.

She looked to the side, and her expression changed to surprise as Schaffel stood beside her holding his hands out.

It was him. 

He smiled at her, his purple eyes shrinking into slim crescents, then quickly changing back to focused as he continued to slowly tear the ship apart.

Willa grinned smugly as her expression changed back to focused. She raised her hands up, both of them tearing pieces of the Imods' ship apart. The Imods climbed onto the hood, and launched off the ship, to escape. 

Finally, the ship exploded. Flashing orange, blue, and red, like a large lamp in the dark night sky.

When everything shifted back to silent darkness, Willa and Schaffel collapsed to their knees trying to catch their breath. 



100 reads?! I know that may not seem like a lot 

Thank you so much to whoever is reading this! 💜

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