Chapter 13

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Willa led, and Schaffel followed close behind. "Where are we going?"

"I'm feeling something powerful. Like energy. We need to head this way." She pointed. "We need to destroy it." Willa grinned confidently, "I'm having a bad feeling about it."

Schaffel looked at the blood stained floor for a moment, and had a memory.

He sat on the carpet beside Nassel, where they were listening to Schaffel's grandmother talk about the history of the Imods.

"They used what was called an Oprya, it's a powerful source of energy that makes them have powers, similar to the Cadmusians. Without it, they're useless." His grandmother smiled. "It runs off of life, that's why the Imods are green and their eyes are red. Because they are basically dead but just alive."

Schaffel and Nassel looked at each other in fear, and stuck their tongues out in disgust. Suddenly, their father jumped out of their closet, and roared, making Schaffel and Nassel jump in their seats and grab onto each other for dear life.

His grandmother laughed, and patted their heads. "I think that's enough storytime boys."

"It's an energy source." Schaffel said, then looked up to Willa. "It's an Oprya, Imods have used it for years."

Willa nodded in interest.

"That's what gives them their powers." Schaffel looked down in realization. "We need to destroy it."

Schaffel and Willa nodded to each other, and began to run down the hall, until something grabbed Schaffel's body. 

Schaffel gasped, as it pulled him through the glass window, making him land hard on the grass. He groaned and propped himself up, holding his injured side. He could only see large black boots before him, but once he looked up to who it was, it was none other than Ubel.

The monster grinned at him evilly. "You stupid kids, you don't understand the greater picture."

Schaffel tried to look over Ubel's shoulder to the window, where Willa stood in shock.

"What should I do?" She spoke to him but Schaffel could hear it as if it was a calm echo through his mind.

"Go without me." Schaffel replied. "You told me to face my problems, and this is how I'll do it."

Willa nodded, fear laced in her eyes, but her jaw was closed and set. "Keep him distracted while I kill the machine. Be careful."

Willa began to run down the hall, while Schaffel faced the worst nightmare of his life.

Ubel grinned. "You have something that's not yours." The monster lunged forward, and Schaffel dodged. "I-I won't l-let you use this to kill the humans for no reason!"

Ubel scoffed, "oh I have my reasons. They are selfish, lying, thieves!" He yelled. 

"What do you mean?" Schaffel looked at him in confusion. 

"When we landed on this planet for escape from Cadmus, we noticed that they needed our help, because they were mindless and stupid! As we helped them, and lent our technology to them, they grew smarter, and used us as slaves to make more."

Schaffel swallowed the lump in his throat.

"They're even killing each other with them. So, they deserve nothing, no mercy!" Ubel yelled, grinning. "But first, I need that." He pointed at the black object in Schaffel's hands.

"Why did you destroy Cadmus?" Schaffel asked, not making eye contact with the monster. He was trying to distract him, as Willa said, but he was also curious. 

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