𝐶𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑛 (2/2)☕︎︎

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"I have the kit." Hopper finally stated, holding up the box. Joyce turned to look at him and nodded. He watched as Joyce pulled back from her embrace with the red head.

"Can I check you for injuries?" She asked, earning a nod from Max. "Does anything that aren't your arms or legs hurt?" And this time Max shook her head. Joyce took a look at Max's arms and found just a couple bruises. So she moved to the girls legs, which were slightly scraped up. "Hop? Do you have any petroleum jelly?" Jim nodded in return, digging through the box and making his way over to the girls. "This might sting a little."

"I can handle it." Max responded, biting down gently on the inside of her bottom lip to prepare herself. With feather light fingers, Joyce spread the jelly across each and every small scratch that littered Max's legs. Jim silently admired how gentle the woman in front of him was. He was in deep.

"I'm done, are you okay?" Joyce stood back up and Max nodded.

"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. I'm so sorry you have to go through all this. Call me anytime, alright?"

"Alright." Max smiled slightly at Joyce before she made her way over by Lucas.

"El? Come here." Hopper called Jane over to him, taking a seat on one of the kitchen chairs.

"Dad? My head hurts." Eleven said as she got closer to Jim and Joyce. The look on Hopper's face when Eleven called him 'dad' did not to unnoticed and caused a smile to form on Joyce's face.

"Oh, I um- I'm sorry kiddo, I can get you some ibuprofen for your head, but I wanted to make sure you don't have wounds that need treatment." Hopper stumbled over his words like a baby learning how to walk. Joyce almost let out a small chuckle.

"My arms." Eleven held out her arms, one with something not much more than a scrape, the other with dried blood.

"Sorry, hun. This might hurt." Hopper dug through his first aid kit. Joyce watched the way Eleven looked at Jim and it caused a pit in her stomach. He leaned up and kissed Elevens forehead before leaving to wet a rag to wipe up the dried blood, making the girl smile a bit which made Joyce smile. But then she remembered Dustin, Will, Lucas, Erica, and Mike who still needed to be checked out.

"Johnathan, make sure you, Steve, Nancy, and Robin are alright." The brunette raised her eyebrows over at her oldest, who nodded and went to do as his mother said. "Dustin? How are you feeling?" Joyce called over to Dustin who had dirty, messy, absolutely crazy hair.

"Just a bit bruised."

"Did you need any painkillers?" She asked, earning a head shake. "Will, what about you?"

"I have like... rug burn almost... tile burn." Will shrugged.

"Ok, come here, I'll give you some petroleum jelly for it." Will nodded and joined his mother in the kitchen. "Are you okay, honey? How do you feel." She asked once he got close enough so she wouldn't 'embarrass' him.

"Yeah, I'm alright."

"You can talk to me anytime." Joyce stated, rubbing the jelly on her son's legs.

"I know. Thanks, mom. I love you." Joyce stood back up and smiled gently, pulling Will in for a hug. Her soft curls hitting the boys face, almost causing him to sneeze. Although, he still embraced her back. Hopper's eyes trailed from the kids in the 'living room' to Joyce, who was kissing Will's head and telling him to go get Mike. So he took that as his cue to finish the job and check on Erica and Lucas, who was simply sitting with Max, his palm lightly drawing circles on his crush's back. The young love cause Hopper's heart to flutter slightly. And his mind went to a different place. One with bleachers and cigarettes and a certain brunette woman whom he adored. He just simply didn't know the perfect was to express it. With a deep breath he brought himself back to the aftermath-like present.

"Erica? Could you get your brother and come here quick?"

"I will cause I want to." She answered, Hopper was close to calling her out for having an attitude but he was too tired to care about something like that. Just a second later the siblings approached the chief.

"Any injuries to treat or aches to medicate?"

"Nope." Lucas replied.

"You aren't just saying that to get back to your girlfriend are you?"

"Uh- no."

"Let me see." Lucas didn't fight Hopper, who said nothing when he discovered that the boys legs were actually a big beaten up. He applied medicine in silence before he moved on to Lucas' younger sister. "What about you kiddo?"

"Skinned knees." Erica responded, quietly. Jim didn't tell her to speak up. He simply applied petroleum jelly to the girls knees. Then he was left alone again. And he turned to Joyce, who was finishing up taking care of Mike. The things the chief was feeling were nothing far from pure love and adoration. He wanted her. He wanted Joyce. He wanted to be able to see her everyday. He truly believed it would make him a happier man. To be able to make her smile. To hold her. Kiss her. Show her how much he loves her. And God, to see her with kids, he swears his heart actually melts into a puddle inside of him. He took a deep breath and walked over to her, leaning against the table. Mike ran off to join his friends who were talking about how crazy their night was. Joyce sighed and she didn't know how good of an idea it was, but she leaned her head on Jim's arm since she was too short to reach his shoulder. She mentally praised when in response he moved said arm around her shoulders so she was on his chest.

"Uh, Hop?" Joyce thought she was going to burst.


"If it's okay with Will and Johnathan... would you and El like to stay with us?"

"Joyce, you only have one guest room." Jim responded, his stomach twisted up into knots.

"If it comes to it, Will and Johnathan can room- but I mean- if that Enzo's date goes well- you can just room with me- I mean we're both adults-"

"Joy... you're blabbing again." Jim couldn't help but smile.


"Don't be. I'll ask El... if she's okay with it, I'm game."

"Okay." Somehow Jim's embrace got warmer.

Thank you for the idea/request, hope you enjoyed! MuffinTopJopper

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