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This was a request from @Emilyprentisssmile

Hopper woke up and looked to his right. But the bed was empty. He furrowed his eyebrows and made his way downstairs after finding no one in the bathroom. "Hey, kid? Where's your mom?"

"I don't know... I thought she was in bed with you." Will turned back to look at Jim, pausing in the middle of pouring his cereal into a bowl. Hopper's heart dropped into his stomach and sweat glistened on his forehead. He swallowed.

"Joyce! JOYCE!" He called out to the whole house. The only response he got did not sound like the brunette he was searching for. Because it wasn't.

"Dad? Why are you screaming?"

"Your mom- she's gone."

"Maybe she went shopping-"

"No- she'd leave a note on the bed- and she didn't- I didn't see one- I know somethings wrong- dammit!" He ran a hand down his face, taking in a sharp breath.

"You're right... she wouldn't leave without telling at least one of us. Even if we're asleep." Johnathan appeared in the kitchen as well. The whole family was up and in the same room. Except for Joyce. Will ran upstairs.

"Kid! What are you doing?!"

"I'm going to go find my mom!" He yelled back, running back down with a shirt on. Hopper quickly grabbed a hold of the boy's arms.

"No! I am NOT letting you put yourself in danger! I'M going to go find her. I'll use a pay phone to call you when I have updates. I need you kids to be safe and take care of each other. We don't even know where to start."

"We want you safe too." Eleven spoke up, her eyebrows slightly scrunched, eyes droopy.

"I know, I know, and I will do my best to be safe, but I need all of you to stay. Here." He put his coat and hat on, grabbed his wallet, and then he was
out the door. He cursed, hopped in the drivers seat, and made his way to a certain man's house.

Murray opened his door with a sigh. But he didn't get the chance to say anything. "Joyce is gone."


"She's. Gone. One word. GONE." Hopper brushed past the shocked, half-bald man, inviting himself in.

"Uh, okay, this is bad... We don't have TOO many enemies who would want to kidnap Joyce..."

"Well let's go then." Hopper headed back towards the door.

"Jim, wait! You don't know what you're doing! You're going to get hurt too if you go in with NO weapon! Don't be stupid."

"I need to find her! She's probably scared and hurt! I have to take her home! Our kids are worried sick and I'm about to LOSE IT!"

"I THINK YOU ALREADY LOST IT, SO SIT BACK DOWN SO WE CAN COME UP WITH A PLAN!" Murray yelled back. Jim took a deep breath and got the sudden urge to cry. But he didn't. Instead he blinked a couple times.

"Okay... okay, we'll come up with a plan." He sat back down.

"Our former mayor could have set this up. I say we start there. Because Russians might not be all the way out here considering they would have most likely taken YOU. Not her."

"Okay... Lets start there then."

Joyce blinked her eyes open, her head pounding. She tried to open her mouth. But she couldn't. Duct tape. She tried to move her arms. Rope. It burned. Her body ached. She felt like she'd been beaten with a bat. And to be completely honest, she thought she had been. But then she saw him. One of the former mayor's closet friends. His knuckles were bloody. And a sick smile painted his face. "Well good morning, sunshine! How'd you sleep?" Joyce wanted to cry. She didn't want to handle this on top of everything else. She wanted her kids. And Hopper. God, she wanted him. She went to sleep beside him. She got up to get some fresh air outside. Then she was gone. And there was so much pain. And that's all she remembered. "That's right. No one can hear you." He rolled his sleeves up. In a split second, the door burst open. Joyce couldn't turn around to see who it was. She prayed it was a kind face.

"Put your hands up and slowly turn your filthy a$$ around." Joyce knew that voice anywhere. "Back up against the wall." He came close enough to where she could see him out of the corner of her eye. Being threatened with a firearm, he did as he was told. When Hopper was close enough, he found the thing of rope the man had used to tie up Joyce, and he took a hold of it with one hand, his other with the gun. Hopper searched his pockets and body and stripped him of any objects he could use to escape the rope. Then he tied him up like he had tied up Joyce. Hopper kept his gun in hand while he turned to her. Her hair was gently knotted. Her right eye swollen and black. Blood glistened on her lip. And there was a large bruise on her chin. Jim felt his stomach knot up even tighter. But this time there was more to it. He felt all his emotions fade away. Except for one. Anger. The chief turned back towards the kidnapper who had failed miserably at his job. His hands tightened into balls, he felt like every muscle in his body was tense. He just swung. Over and over again. Hitting this man's pathetic face every time. He didn't stop. Not until his right hand was stinging, he couldn't catch a breath, and he saw no movement from the a$$hole in front of him. Jim backed up slowly, his hands trembling, and he took a deep breath. "Joyce." He breathed out. She mumbled against the tape in response. He walked behind the chair she sat in and untied her hands. With that, she took her own tape off.

"Is he dead?" Her eyes were wide regardless of how much they looked like they hurt.

"Nope. Lucky for him, the son of a b!tch is probably just unconscious." Hopper gently kissed her head before leaning down to help her with the ropes holding her ankles to the chair legs. "Are you ready to go home? Our kids are worried sick about you."

"Oh, I'm alright. Just a bit dinged up." The brunette smirked, but it was interrupted by a wince.

Hope you enjoyed! My requests are open if you have an idea! I give credit :)

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