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"Just breathe." Eleven chuckled lightly at Joyce who was smoothing down her long white dress that got thicker just at her ankles, that hugged her every curve with such delicacy that one would never guess that she was 40. She brushed her hair behind her ears, and resisted the urge to rub at her eyes since it would ruin her makeup.
"I know, Sweetie, I'm just nervous is all."
"You look beautiful, mom." Jane Hopper smiled gently at the woman who would be marrying her father in only half an hour.

"Take a deep breath, you'll be just fine." Johnathan clapped Jim's shoulder as a small comfort, watching as he kept undoing and redoing his tie, pausing to wipe the sweat from his forehead. Will sat in the corner, tying his black dress shoes. He went over what he was supposed to do in his head.

"What if she changes her mind?" Hopper cringed. Johnathan opened his mouth to speak, but he didn't get the chance.

"Trust me. She won't." Will widened and rested his eyes, finding Jim's question simply ridiculous after seeing the way his mother behaved around the Sheriff of their damned town. Hopper cleared his throat. There was a knock on the door.

"Dad?" It was El.

"Come in!" He called back. She did so and closed the door behind her, a smile appearing on her face.

"You look amazing."

"Thank you, honey." Jim kissed the girls head.

"Aren't you two going to go see your mom?"

"Oh, right." Will stood. "See ya." With that the two boys left.

Will and Johnathan reached Joyce's room. When they went in, she was sat at the vanity. "You both look so handsome." She smiled wide.

"Us? Mom, you look stunning." Will's smile matched his mom's.

"Breathtaking." Johnathan nodded in agreement.

The piano music played, Eleven stood across from Hopper the where she would be next to Joyce, as her maid of honor. Now, they've decided that they're not going to do things as normal. Joyce would not me walked down the isle by her father, and Jim doesn't have just one best man. His head jerked up when the music change. And there she was. His throat dried up while his eyes did the opposite, his breath caught. On her left arm, was Will. On her right, Johnathan. Two of her three favorite boys. Finally, she was directly across from him. Johnathan and Will moved to Hopper's side. "Jesus, Joyce..." Was all he was able to say. Joyce chuckled, tearing up only slightly.

"Shall we get started?" The priest stood, Bible open, in between them. The couple locked eyes, and nodded.

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