𝑂𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 (2/2)☕︎︎

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Second and final part to the request made by @lxnakhm ,Hope you enjoy!

When Joyce woke up, Jim was still sound asleep underneath her, his chest occasionally rising and falling softly. She remembered that today they were having lunch as a family with Murray. It was a small gesture to say thank you. Joyce squinted at the time. It was almost 11. That's late for her. Especially today. Lunch was at 1. And she still had to start making the food. She left Hopper alone in bed, avoiding looking below his chest, placing the blanket back over him. She tied her hair up in a messy bun and put her pajamas back on from the floor. Throwing Hopper's pajama bottoms beside him. She approached him again. "Hop? It's late, you should probably get dressed, once I go down there, El is gonna wanna come greet you."

"Whatever you say, gorgeous." He mumbled back, reaching up and rubbing his eyes, slipping his clothing back on.

"You're cute." Joyce chuckled, making her way down the stairs to the kids who were doing dishes from breakfast.

"Morning, sleepy head." Johnathan teased. Little did he know she was kept up past midnight, which is when the kids had gotten to sleep.

"Is dad up?" Jane immediately put down the towel she has been using to dry the dishes. Joyce smiled and nodded, watching the girl jog up the stairs to her father. "Dad?" Jane called from the hallway, pushing the bedroom door open.

"Morning, Kiddo." Hopper sat up, watching as Eleven climbed into bed beside him. As quickly as he could, he pushed the towel he and as Enzo would say, 'his woman,' had forgotten about further under the sheets before his daughter could ask any questions. She wrapped her arms around him in a hug and he placed a small kiss on her head. An hour later, Joyce was downstairs starting to make lunch for the group, Hopper attempting to help, and all 3 of the kids were playing a game. Joyce groaned as she finally stuffed the lasagna in the oven. "Baby, calm down." He said quietly, as to not seem like he was trying to yell at her.

"Hop, the kids are right there." She whispered back.

"I know. Sorry." Jim shrugged, giving her shoulder a single rub.

"Help me make the garlic bread?"

"Of course."
- Time Skip-

The doorbell rang. But no one had to answer. Because Murray just walked right in like he owned the place. "Children! Papa Murray's here!" He yelled to the 3 in the living room, and even the 2 in the kitchen. Joyce chuckled and rolled her eyes while Hopper shook his head.

"Murray." Johnathan simply stated, moving from the living room to the dining area, his two siblings following.

"Yup, that's my name." Murray didn't stay in the dining area. He decided he was going to go into the kitchen where Jim and Joyce were. "So. Have you guys had sex finally?" He asked, no hesitation at all. Jim scoffed.

"Mine and Jim's sex life is none of your business." Joyce rolled her eyes, wondering why she invited him at all.

"So. You admit that you two have one... together. Which tells me that you did in fact have sex."

"Murray, could you shut the h3ll up, our children are in the next room." Jim gave the man a side eye.

"See? Still no denial."

"We did, okay. What do you want? You were right. There. I said it. You were correct, me and Jim are a thing now. Are you happy?" Joyce rambled, only looking at this not job at the last sentence. The corners of Murray's lips slowly turned up in a smirk. Jim noticed, and he wasn't too happy about it.

"If you say 'I told you so,' I will not only kick you out, but I will also kick you where the sun don't shine, and then I will close the door in that dumb face of yours."

"Oh, Jimmy, don't act like you hate me." Murray chuckled lightly, shifting his body so he was facing the living room. What none of them had known, was that Johnathan had been standing there. He was trying not to laugh. Murray's eyes widened. "How long have you been standing there?" He asked, earning the attention of both Joyce and Hopper.

"Long enough." He answered, turning to his mother and the chief. "Congratulations. You might wanna tell El and Will though, so they don't find out the way I did." Johnathan chuckled to himself a bit before he returned to his siblings.

"He's probably right." Was all Joyce could muster to say, glancing over at Hopper for a split second.

"The whole 'secret relationship' thing was thrilling while it lasted." Jim shrugged, rubbing Joyce's arm.

"Murray, go get my children, it's time to eat." She wasn't asking.

"You could've at least said please." Murray rolled his eyes, yet did so.

Forks scraped the plates as everyone dug into their lunch. Hopper and Joyce had decided to wait to tell El and Will until after the finished eating. Which didn't take long. Murray decided to leave, and it was the perfect time.

"El, Will, we have something we'd like to share with you." Joyce started them off.

"Okay." Will gave his mother his attention.

"We're together." Jim finished.

"B!tchin." Jane smiled wide.

"Okay, cool." Will nodded, a small smile on his face as well.

"That's it? 'Cool?'" Joyce rose a single eyebrow.

"What? It was bound to happen sometime."

"Mhm." Eleven agreed, nodding.

"That was easy." Hopper nodded and leaned back in his chair.

"Sure was." Joyce replied as she watched the two kids exit.

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