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They were ready to go out and continue the case/mission. Before leaving, Mrs. Judson presented Olivia and the youngsters with some cheese crumpets for the road, to which the youngest in the group accepted with a smile. The housekeeper said goodbye to everyone and went to the kitchen to clean it up. As soon as the woman was out of sight, Tikki and Plagg came out of hiding and Alex and Severus transformed back into Ladybug and Chat Noir.

"Well, back to action!" said the young man excitedly. He walked over to his partner and whispered in her ear. "If the microscopic opportunity for us to exchange Miraculous again were given, it would be better to wear the outfits we're wearing right now and not be changing."

"Deal." the young woman agreed. Then she turned to the owner of 221½. "Thank you very much for the hospitality, Basil." the young woman thanked.

"It was a pleasure." the detective replied. "Though you shouldn't take anything for granted just yet."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm saying the case could take time, I speak from experience, so rest assured the doors will be open for everyone until the case over." He said the last thing not only looking at Ladybug, but also at Chat Noir, Dawson and Olivia.

The doctor thanked something sorry for the inconvenience, Olivia made her happy and Chat Noir... was content with just giving the detective a nod. Once that matter was cleared up, the five mice went to Sherlock Holmes' residence to look for Toby, it would be easier to track down Fidget again with the help of the hound.

Basil carefully opened the door to the mousetrap. Ladybug also carefully poked her head out and they saw the famous human detective and his medical partner walking back and forth around the room looking worried, and it was no wonder thanks to what they heard.

"Are you sure you thought and analyzed everything, Holmes?" asked the worried doctor.

"Of course, Watson! I've told you five times!" The detective answered irritably. "I can't figure out what's going on! People see us and amazed as if we shouldn't be in the city. They even said to our faces it was impossible for us to be real! Confound it, Watson! What are we? Fictional characters? Ghosts? We must go out to investigate more, even if we continue to attract the attention of people on the street."

With that, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson exited 221B. As soon as the door closed, Ladybug opened the mousetrap door fully, but before leaving Basil grabbed her by the collar of her Inverness cloak. Ladybug looked over her shoulder to complain, but the complaint died in her mouth when she saw the detective's angry expression.

«Creo que me acaba de caer el chahuistle.» (I think the chahuistle just fell on me.)

"Well?" Basil asked.

"Huh... the truth is Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character in literature, that's why people react to seeing him." She saw Basil was going to say something, she but stopped him. "The priority is Ratigan! What's happening even in the human world is his fault, so let's hurry up and find him before he makes things worse!"

"Mh, you're right about that."

The detective released the heroine and everyone, one by one, left the mousetrap in search of the hound. This time Basil whistled and immediately Toby appeared. Pantomimes aside, the mouse gave the dog Fidget's hat to sniff it out. Once with the scent, the five mice climbed onto Toby's back and the dog ran out of the house in search of they prey.

To everyone's bewilderment, Toby led them to the city limits. But as soon as he was out, the hound stopped and howled, implying he had found the source of the scent. That puzzled the five mice, there was nothing there, how was it possible the trail ended there? Toby sniffed the ground and barked. Basil and Ladybug got off the dog's back and checked the ground finding a note. The mouse picked it up, and he and the heroine read at the same time:

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