Miraculous Team

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This was already too much! How did Ratigan know about Hogwarts? What was he doing here? Now what was going through his twisted and diabolical mind? The questions were running through Ladybug's head, Basil put them out. Ratigan took his time before replying.

"In some cases, like this, you have to look for new points to attack the enemy. A cunning warrior doesn't attack the body or the mind. But the heart, first you have to attack the heart." Before the confused expression of his rivals, the professor continued. "Maybe I don't know who Ladybug and Chat Noir are; but my good friend Papillombre told me several times he attacked this place and, in those battles, he seemed to see our dear youngsters care a lot about this magical institution. So... what better place for their grave to be than this beautiful castle?"

Miraculous bearers felt their blood boil. Is that why he came to Hogwarts and hold the professors' prisoner? To get to them? So, his theory was true the previous fights were with the intention of analyzing them and knowing how to attack them. Ladybug and Chat Noir had to think of something fast to save Dumbledore and the others. Unfortunately, Ratigan saw through their intentions. He snapped his fingers and his thugs pointed their revolvers at the teachers' temples.

"No, leave them alone!" the heroine shouted. "The fight is between us!"

"I know that, naive brat, but why else would I have this wonderful advantage?" The professor laughed maliciously.

The fists of the young heroes trembled. That sewer rat... he had everything carefully planned. One wrong move and the teachers...

Suddenly Dumbledore began to cough and feel weak. The thugs holding him down were trying to keep him on his feet, but the old phoenix wasn't feeling well.

"Albus!" exclaimed the Heads of House

Ladybug and Chat Noir wanted to get closer, but Ratigan drew his revolver and pointed it at Dumbledore's chest making the youngsters stop.

"What's going on?" demanded the evil professor

"We don't know, professor," answered one of the thugs.

"I... I don't feel..." Dumbledore mumbled suffocatingly.

Suddenly, the thugs released the old phoenix while screaming in pain. Their hands were burned! Dumbledore spread his wings and great flames came out and hit the thugs. It was the opportunity for the teachers to free themselves from their captors and the five teachers ran towards the mice.

"Professor Dumbledore! That was amazing!" Ladybug congratulated.

"Thank you, Miss." answered the old phoenix

"You're not going anywhere!" Ratigan threatened. "GET THEM!"

Fidget and the thugs lunged at the group. The Miraculous bearers clashed with the rat's minions; Of that group, the only one that gave them a fight was the bat. Seeing this, the teachers helped the youngsters and quickly subdued them; the only one still standing was the sentimonster. Taking advantage of the distraction, Ratigan approached his nemesis from behind and leveled his revolver at him. Thanks to her powers, Ladybug heard the charge of the weapon, raised the hand holding the wand and pointed it at the villain.


The spell hit the professor directly in the chest, throwing him away from them.

"RUN!" Ladybug shouted to the others, taking Olivia in her arms.

They walked out of the Great Hall and toward the exit, but it was locked; neither the Alohomora nor anything managed to open the front door.

"Were you going somewhere?" They all turned to find Fidget in the company of more thugs.

" Merlin's beard!" Slughorn exclaimed. "How many men does that rat have under his command?"

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