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[Maira's perspective]

.....?? :-Hey, just back off and don't touch me! They held my hands as I started shaking in fear. Even though I begged them to let me go, they wouldn't leave me alone.

Then someone came up, picked me up off the ground, and tossed me onto the couch.

.....?? :-"Hey, who are you and why did you bring me here? What do you want from me? Can you please just let me go? I'm really scared," I keep crying while screaming at the top of my lungs.

Random guy :- Hey, just quiet down if you want to stay alive.

After half an hour I got conscious and I peeked, then found empty room slowly got up and started running while struggling with a damn rope. finally reached entrance to get out.

Started running while panting heavily...


she started shivering in her nightmare and the girl who is waking her up got no response from maira so she took water ,then sprinkle on her and wiped her face while comforting her . She slept hugging her friend who is shivering under her.

"I slowly opened my eyes it's still midnight I felt some weight lying on me it-it's my friend "zaina" She slept hugging me last night and unknowingly a tear escape from my eye and fell asleep slowly.

(In the morning )

"Maira... Maira.... baby get up" .

I slowly opened my eyes , as sunlight falling on me from the window glass i hide my face in my palms then got up slowly leaning to the headboard .

"Baby...! Are you OK ?how are you feeling now? I was scared last night you made me worry, "  zaina asks while holding her face in palms.

As she is saying, maira hugs her suddenly .which made zaina shock. Then slowly, she hugs maira  back while rubbing her back gently to comfort .

"I-m i-m sca-scared za--zaina some one kid-kidnapped me and tried to ki-kill me,"  saying she cries silently on zaina's shoulder .

"Shh!!........ Baby, don't cry it's ok. It's just a dream. Don't be afraid ! I know you are so brave And Iam always their for you . How can I let someone do such things to you ? ....huh ?. now stop crying like a little baby .

Maira pouts little, which made other laugh at her puppy face.

"Stop pouting , get up, and get ready. We're going somewhere." She says while caressing her cheeks gently

They finished freshning ate their breaky and left for the shopping

Since it's the weekend, zaina thought to hang out with her friend. that somehow helps to reduce stress bothering her because sometimes new places helps to divert our minds into peace and happy mood.

Small Introduction:-

A 21 years old girl she is the only child to their parents, with normal medium complexion hereditary from her father and she is slightly short but cute chubby with a big eyes , kind hearted and have a bestfriend "zaina",  they both wanted to complete thier graduation in abroad so their parents let them and they decided to to go tokyo they are from "delhi" which is known as capital of "INDIA"

It's been two weeks since they arrived at tokyo in Japan. they took two weeks to find good residencies, and they found independent building with single bed room


They completed buying all necessaries and some household things since next week it means from Monday their college starts , so only one day is left for them to check whether they got all things they need or not . becoz once if college starts there will be no time for them to do long day shoppings.

Girls came back from shopping at 5 pm in the evening with all exhausted no energy left to cook something for dinner , so to survive that night they ordered food

They ordered some kimchi rice , pork belly noodles, and grilled chicken with cool drinks .

"zaina, can you get me some chocolate milk ? That day, I brought a pack of them ".maira asks .

:yeah baby wait! let me get it for you". Zaina gets up walks to kitchen.

Zaina  bought her chocolate milk becoz ,maira love to drink it, She knows too . she gave her then both chit chatted while eating, and zaina asked her something

" Baby ...? ! Umm...! Can I ask you something?

"Yeah ! What is it..? ".

"Are you hiding anything ? Is everything alright with you?". She asks with a worried face. 

"Ia-"Iam not hiding an -anything (She lies) everything is gone -good why are you asking ..?". She says nervously.

Zaina understands something's wrong with her, but thinks not to ask any further because Mira would tell her everything if she asked, Zaina wants to give her some time to let her friend understand that her best friend is always there for her, not matter what .

(Hai everyone , its my first story writing sorry for the mistake errors, because English is not my first language, and if you ask Me then why I am writing 😅 it just...! I'm trying 🤧something new and I will try to improve myself please do support me in writing further love you all stay safe, stay healthy 💜💜)

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