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Staring at her pouty little face ,which is on his right shoulder she's drooling and snoring cutely , her hair was little messy still looking cute.

He laughs then notices that she frowned and start to whine due to sun rays hitting her face,she tossed little but still felt disturbed but soon she felt comfortable as dany covered the sunlight with his body hiding his angel from it he hovered on her slightly to cover her .

Then he holds in his embrace resting beside her .

"Angel..". He called her gently.

She didn't responded.

He chuckles then kissed her forehead "sleepy angel.. ,Get up we need to go".

"Mmm?". She murmers.

"Get up you have to eat breakfast too, it's getting late for our trip,don't you wanna go there to gunmna...? ". He whispers near her ears which made her  to widened her eyes , got up quickly from his embrace remembering today's trip .

"Goodmorning Da-dany....! Sorry , it-s our first trip together ,i over slept ". she whispers  with a sleepy voice rubbing eyes.

He smiles at her  apology then holds her face saying "since you apologised , we can start a little late okay..! Dont worry but ,.... you didn't gave my morning kiss ". Dany asks extending his hands to her calling her.

Her worried face soon changes to blushing one "Dany.... Aren't we going to be late...? ".saying she pushed him a side then ran towards the bathroom with all giggling.

He was about to caught but she escaped before he can .

"Angel....this is so rude..., I should've taken my morning kiss before you wake up ". He sulks looking at closed bathroom door.

Then went downstairs got freshup in guest room and made  pancakes , waffles for break fast .

As he completed cooking breaky , he just arranging washed utensils, he smiled when he felt two pair of little paws held his waist from behind.

Dany chuckled knowing who it was "you're here my angel...? ". he turns then saw little girl with a yellow off shoulder top with tight jeans skirt,

 he turns then saw little girl with a yellow off shoulder top with tight jeans skirt,

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Maira outfit:-

He gasps eyeing her from hair to toe with a suprised face as she looking to cute to resist , little's eyes glued to the floor long back as always , he just admiring her not wanting to take his eyes from such a mind blowing view , she wore a cap on her hair left without tieing them .

"Angel..". He calls looking at her face as she was staring floor.

"Mm?". She murmered.

"You looking so gorgeous, like a pretty doll...". Saying he kissed her knuckles looking at her blushing face .

"Really..? ". She asks .

Then dany quickly pulls her " yes... you have no idea , how beautiful you are, always makes me crazy... ". he whispers setting hair on forehead

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