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He looks up when he heard footsteps , "you done so quick this time  ..?". He teased her checking her out then looked back to laptop.

She blushed at his stare then " stop it dany.. ". Saying  walks near him.

"It's late dany, why don't you take rest ". says sits beside him with a wet hair .

She is wearing black hoodie with shorts

"Yea, just one min ,angel ". he says then was about to type but he observes her wet hair.

"Angel.... Look your hair is wet ,go get that dryer, I'll dry your hair  ". He asks

"It's fine dany  I will do it ". She says peeking into the laptop .

"I said go get it , you hear me...?".  He asks with a deep dominant tone.

She gulps then ran towards the dressing table took out the dryer.

He chuckles at her stomping foot walk  "such a brat..., I should handle you like this sometimes, if not you won't listen ". He murmers at her pout .

"Mm.. here, take it".  saying she sulked at his cold behavior.

He dried her hair  ,as she's sulking still

"Dany.... Did you ate ..?. I bought for you ..". She asks with a pouty face ,but still caring .

He smiles ,"I forgotted to eat ,she bought something ".  He came out of his bubble ,when .

"Dany..! Are you listening..?".

"Ah..! Ab..! I forgotted Angel, I was little busy with my work ".says simply

"Oh.... Seriously, come will go down ,eat something...". Saying she held  his arm .

Dany suprised at her act " it's fine AI will finish it ". saying  he took that meal box ,but little stopped .

"That..! Look at that its already cold ,.... like someone ,you hear me...?  ". Says with a sulky face ,making him chuckle at her words.. " come will go down , you need warm food".saying  she walks towards the door .

"Your highness, can I get couple of seconds for my dress change or else, you want me to come  like this ". He asks getting off from bed.

"Nope , come we 've no time ". Says  she walks then dany follows behind while laughing .

As soon as they came down, the people who eating there late night stare at dany's body ,some girls gasping at his body and whispering in ears looking at him

That made maira  jealous and pissed off , "Excuse me can you make it fast , as she asks with a pouty angry face looking at that girl's in there ,as she ordered porridge, steaks ,and grilled chicken.

"Yeah..! Mam ,sure ".saying they packed handed to her. whole time dany was standing behind her watching her cute sulky face.

After they went inside she gasped when she got pinned by dany

"What's wrong with my angel..?". Asks he gently takes food cover from her hand then leaves it on the ground .

"Nothing, lea-leave me ". she slutters looks at him

"Are you sure....angel ?". He murmers .

"Yeah.. What is there to be not sure ?". She says looking away .

He chuckles then says "Angel being jealous . Isn't she ..?". He chuckled holding her hands interwining .

"Nope....Why would I be jealous ..?". Says pouts angrily.

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