"SOON TO BE...."

22 2 0

"But...! I need to ask your permission in appropriate way .

"Can I marry your daughter Mr. Jean Andrews, I will take good care of her I promise, plz I want her in my life can you give her to me ..?

Little girl started to cry hardly looking at dany requesting as her mother holding her rubbing her back to stop her getting into more emotional.

"Yeah Mr.dany you no need to ask , we are glad to give our daughter to you, we are not sure ,if we would get her one he will be like you .

"It's my honour Mr.jean andrews ". Dany said hugging his father in law .

"Sir plz, lose formality ". He said to dany.

"Yea ..! I will try and you to , call me dany ".

After all the emotional scene they dany's parents ,maira's parents and that duo young couple all eight were having there dinner happily .

As dany hold her hands down of the table caressing it leaving maira all red .

"Eat angel  ,why are you not eating ,or.....you are waiting for me to feed you...? ". He smriked at her holding tightly

She widened her eyes looking down not uttering a word she's shy .

"My dear son ,she will eat by herself only if you leave her hand ". Dila said smriking at them.

Dany instantly left her hand then pretended like nothing happened .

As maira quickly catch her spoon digging the food .

" Naught kids ,just wait until you get married atleast ". Mrs.jean andrews laughed covering mouth .

"Mo-m.. its n-ot wha-t a-re say-ing". maira mumbled being embarrassed not wanting others to tease her later.

"Oh..! Kk ". Zaina ,Jennifer said with a smrik .

"Yea.. ! You all stop making my daughter red ,see she's is feeling nervous ". Mr.parker said

Her parents heart filled with so much happiness as seeing all of their love towards their girl .

After dinner Mr.parker arranged meeting at same hotel about marriage arrangements and talk about some family rituals as young couples already left to somewhere as he promised his girl to take on a date .

______with dany & maira______.

"Angel ..! I know, you might've cried right..? " he said holding her hand in his driving with other hand .

"Hmm..". She said leaning on his shoulder holding his arms .

As they were driving he got a call from Jennifer saying that they went to restaurant to enjoy their alone time after all they don't want to interrupted lovely couple privacy .

"Yeah ok,we will try to come there if we finish our date soon .." said he cut the call.

Then dany caresses her head other hand keep driving he saw that his girl was thinking something .

" Angel..! Want to talk ..?".

She looked at him sitting properly then,shook her head smiling "I'm fine".

"No..! Seems like something bothering you ..".

"Nah..! Dany I'm fine but exhausted coz I cried little as you all left me with mom and dad .

"Yeah..! I'm sorry angel... I thought to take you on a date then plan everything for confession ,but got less time , so I had rush towards the arrangements, then thought took you on a date later ". He said looking at her.

"Dany..! Thank you so much ,its the best day of my life , you made alot of memories in my life ". She said then kissed his cheek giggling .

"Aww..! That's so sweet kiss , I want some more". He asked pulling her hand .

She giggled then "Dany I will , but you are driving, its not safe to do such things ,wait till we reach our spot okay..! ".

He pouted then said " Okay..! Fine". which made her to chuckled his action .

They reached the place then dany hold her hand walked inside " Dany its beautiful ".

"Yea... ".he moved a chair to let her sir and then dany sat opposite to her .

The table decorated with lightened candles

"Excuse me sir..! Order plz.

"Oh.. I want some wine , angel what you want ".

"Dany..! I'm was exicted to go on a date but I'm already full , I only want strawberry cake .

"Yeah that's it "..!


After a min they got the order little hummed in satisfaction as cake tastes so yummy .

"Dany..! Here one bite ".  she took spoon full of cake near his mouth .

"No..! Angel Iam having beer, I won't eat it ..! ". saying  he showed her glass .

"Soo..! ".

He chuckled " I won't eat anything while drinking , it's fine you have it ".

"Oh..! Okay..! so .... you will not eat even I feed you with my mouth ". she smriked .

"Li-little angel , you are.... ".

She giggled "still you don't want...hmm.? ".she is just playing with fire .

Girl be careful , she know what's she's doing .

"I will eat ".saying  he smriked which sent shivers to her

Her smile fade turned to blush as dany moved his chair beside her then leaning towards her lips .

She gulped as he stares at her with dark eyes .

"I'm close now, feed me ". Dany whispered.

She smiled nervous with all shivering inside "Da-ny..! I - I wa---- ".

"Open your mouth ". He took spoon from her then gently shoved into her mouth as she quickly take in , dany didnt waste anytime as he pulled her then he smashed lips before she close her lips , taking that cake piece into his mouth as little widened her eyes then gasped when he eating her mouth .

He took all of the cake from her as he sucked inside her mouth ,she gasped moaning silently which only dany can hear .

She holded his shirt collar then pulled more closer to her the kiss was so sweet coz cake flavour and also intense the kiss hold is very special he just devouring her lips sucking ,and playing with her tongue, all time he was looking at her expression as little closed her eyes long back .

"Angel..! You are so eager to kiss me right..?". he smiled parting the kiss.

She opened her then blinked looking down her lips very shining and it coated with strawberry flavour ,then slowly looked at dany while panting heavily.

"Da-any..! , w-e a-re out-side , wh-at if som-eone see-s u-s..?". She whispered blinknig her eyes at him

He chuckled then took her into hugg then kissed her head " what if we are out, why I should  care, you are my soon to be wife ,and its you who triggered me ".

Already she's burning like red tomato , but situation got worse when he addressed "wife "..

"Wi--- fe ". She mumbled then blushed inside his embrace.



(🥲hii everyone how was this part, plz vote me , leave one comment before you go to next part plz guys ..! I hope all are doing fine love you all..)

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